I love leading a Small Group (Got Teens?!). I enjoy discussing the Scriptures and study questions with other moms. I love hearing everyone's ideas or what a particular Scripture meant to them.
I especially like this current study we are doing. I'm learning some stuff about my self and about my group of friends. It's refreshing and perfect for our roles in life in this busy season the Lord has us in. Life is busy in middle-age just like it was in our early years of marriage.....only different! Now we have teens' schedules to juggle, ministry duties (some of us), careers, the running of the home, wifely duties, friendships to cultivate, and church events to attend. Not to mention getting some social time in with our family/husband/friends. And participating in service projects via our church community or out in the community doing volunteer work.
It can be overwhelming at times. We can feel stressed or upset when an interruption to our daily schedule presents itself. OR maybe we are the type of person who HAS no schedule so we feel overwhelmed just tackling the every day tasks that God sets before us....and we know we need to set some kind of schedule but we don't know how!! Which category do you fall into?? (I'm the type that has various things scheduled into my daytimer or iPad app for the next few months!...but...I have also learned how to be flexible and God is still teaching me in this area of being more spontaneous, especially when it comes to extended family or friends)
But....have you considered that life's interruptions are usually directed by God??
I am here to share a summary of Lesson 3 in the Living a Life of Balance study book. The reason I share notes here are for any of my mom friends who had to miss the meeting.....this way they (or you!) can print out the notes and stay connected to the study. Each lesson builds on the previous one in certain areas.
I opened with the summary of the previous lessons' main points: that living a life of balance means to glorify God in all things and to live/work/play according to His purposes and plans for us.
I then read a prayer out of a prayer devotional I have been going through. The summary of that is God wants us to draw closer to Him. To spend quality time with HIM. That life is full of distractions and is hectic but that we need to have our eyes and ears open to Him, focusing on Him.
I recommended setting a schedule for daily activities because there are certain things that must be done in our homes.....and as moms we do set the tone in our homes. Everyone shared what that looks like for them. I also shared about how we need to find teachable moments with our teens just like we did when they were toddlers. The teens can be held accountable for doing certain things in the home, like their own laundry, car washing, dishes, etc. In fact, it is our job to make sure our teens (girls AND boys) know how to do these household management tasks as our goal is for them to one day move out!
We talked about how Proverbs 16:9 teaches us to trust God because He is the one who directs our steps.
"A man's heart plans His way,but the Lord directs his steps."
We can make our schedules and plans but GOD is the one in control of what happens! and in Philippians 2:13 it tells us
"For it it God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure"
When we face interruptions in our daily lives, we need to stop and consider that it might be in God's plan for us........for that moment.........we are put on this earth to do His will and His purposes! It might be a divine appointment (I shared an anecdote about a neighbor popping in that ended up being an opportunity for the Good News) or it might end up being a teachable moment like my anecdote I shared about my oldest gal wanting to chat at 11 pm at night. Don't miss out on those times with your teens or with people God brings to you to minister to or just to listen...or just to do something with.....see the interruptions as God's plans. You will have greater freedom in your schedule when you allow your heart to be open to these moments.
One of the moms read in Isaiah 55:8 & 9 that our ways are not God's ways! Our thoughts are not God's thoughts! He doesn't always reveal His exact plan to us....this is where TRUST comes in!!
There were various Scriptures to look up and match with various statements on page 29. I summed these up in my study book by explaining that these commandments from God are for our own good! They help us to find ultimate joy and purpose through a relationship with Him. We will be fulfilled when we live this way. (unfortunately we were running out of time to get into this in more detail, thus these notes!!).
When we realize that our schedules are in God's hands....and that we need to trust Him with our daily lives.....even our little things....that we will experience freedom and peace in our souls.
Psalm 119:133 says to stay in the Word of God....that by being in the Scriptures is how God will direct our steps. The Word of God is our guidebook through life. (this was discussed at great length when we first started the small group 3 years ago and did the study Got Teens?! Not only is the Bible a great resource for us to use in our parenting, but it is a necessary resource for each of us in our daily walk as individuals.)
All of us shared various aspects of how we deal with interruptions to our set schedules...some shared that they want to be more scheduled, and some want to be more flexible. It is a balancing act for sure!!
But...when life gets interrupted, remember Who is doing the interrupting....and focus on what He might be teaching you in that moment...or focus on WHY He might be bringing that interruption to you.......He might need to use you for kingdom purposes! And ultimately, He will get the glory!!
Our treasure trinket for lesson 3 was a write-on/wipe-off weekly calendar to remind us to schedule the necessary things (church, small group!!) and to be flexible when life is interrupted.
God Bless you!!
as with any posts under the Small Group Notes label, you DO have permission to copy this. Please just leave a quick comment that you did. Thanks!
This is a tough one for me. I'm a very, VERY scheduled and structured person. I've often been interrupted and thought it was God, perhaps, but angered me nonetheless because I was interrupted, lol. Whether home life or in my daycare, I have to have structure so this was a good one for me to read because I struggle very much with this.
Melanie, I think we ALL do (struggle with life's interruptions) from time to time....keep pressing in and be open to what God has for ya...it's the only way to get through our schedules :)
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