"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

26 April 2014

4 Seasons Photo Challenge: Spring, Days 25-30

April 18th marked the 30th day of spring so I'm a little late with these photos.

But...last week I was on Spring Break and so I will show some of the photos I took for the last week of the first month of Spring.  I am doing this in conjunction with Peggy's Photo Challenge.  I participated in the spring one but not sure I will have the time to do her summer one.  Check out the guidelines here if you want to join in!

DAY 25 (13 April)

A bit of spring decor
(a battery operated light hanging in the corner of my kitchen sink area
a gift from my younger sister Hope)

DAY 26 (14 APRIL)

SPRING CLEANING...ah..the fresh, clean scents!

DAY 27 (15 April)


DAY 28 (16 April)

 We awoke to SPRING SNOW
First time in several years....I was NOT amused

DAY 29 (17 APRIL)

West Beach, Beverly, MA

Day 30 (18 April)

(Claire, age 15 on the right is visiting big sis Courtney, age 20)
We spent time at West Beach near Gordon College

That wraps up the photo challenge for me!

It was a lot of fun choosing a photo to represent each day for one month.  For more information or to join in on the next Photo Challenge, please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman.

Now go and enjoy the remaining 2 months of Spring!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Spring snow, I know all about THAT! I love the smells of spring cleaning too!