"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 July 2014

Mid-July Faves

It's the middle of July!

I am loving the streak of amazingly awesome summer weather we are having here in eastern New York.  The days this week have been beautiful minus the first 2 which were so humid!  We have now been home from our Boston vacation for almost 2 weeks so the faves I'm going to share here are from the last 10 days.....I'm linking up over at Susanne's with other women who share 5 faves/blessings from the past week....how about joining in and leaving a fave in the comment box?


NYC Corps de Ballet
"Union Jack" Ballet
photo courtesy of rpwenzel

Wendy Whalen and Craig Hall
"After the Rain" Ballet
NYC Principal Dancers

photo courtesy of The Saratogian
  • NYCBALLET!  Last week, the NYCBallet was in town again (Saratoga Springs) at this place. Each year they open the Classical Arts Summer Season in our area and we LOVE it. Claire and I have a free lawn pass for any classical concert so we used that twice last week.  (they were only here for 5 nights and several nights were repeat performances).  We chose opening night (Tuesday) and the final (Gala) night (Saturday the 12th) because it was Wendy Whalen's final performance with NYCB at SPAC.  She is always mesmerizing.  The Pas de Deux she performed (see photo above) was one we had seen her do before...and it never gets old. It is truly exquisite.  She had the body type Balanchine loved and she is a favorite of Claire and I.  SPAC did a wonderful tribute to her, too.  The final performance was "Union Jack" an hour long ballet that pays tribute to England.  It was our first time seeing it and it was fantastic.  The above photo is the final scene (fireworks on the lawn followed). Claire and I had such a marvelous time...even though the weather was very hot and humid and the first night it rained!  We are looking forward to 2 weeks from now when we see the most famous ballet company in the world:  the Bolshoi Ballet.  (and yes, we have actual indoor tickets for that!!).  It's a blessing to live so close to Saratoga and enjoy the Classical season.
Courtney on her birthday1
  • 21!!  Last week, our oldest daughter turned 21!!  I can't believe it. It was a bittersweet moment seeing her open her gift (a book she saw in the Museum of Fine Art, Boston). ( I happened to find it online for less than half the cost of the museum price!) She is so grown up and independent...it makes me happy to know she is a kind, compassionate, smart, and fun young lady.  We are thankful she has made good choices with friendships, guys, college studies, etc. We made a special dinner and pina coladas (her request) for her when she got home from work that evening. It was a lot of fun!  She is truly a  blessing!

  • FLOWERS!  Our little wildflower "garden" that I planted in last year's tomato container is really blooming all of a sudden.  The flowers look so pretty and I love sitting out there with my morning coffee and my Bible and just relaxing in the morning sunshine.  Flowers are truly a blessing!

  • "THANK YOU" One evening last week we were all sitting having dinner together...it was a late one and I had grilled chicken and made some of the fave dishes the girls like.  Courtney, on her way past me after clearing her spot, said very  close to my ear "Great dinner mommy, thank you".  Oh how this made my day!!  Sometimes, it's the little things!!

  • GOOD TALKS  This past week was full of appointments for my youngest (oral surgeon consult about wisdom teeth) and my self (yearly ob/gyn physical, and 2 chiropractor appointments...the back pain and heel pain is starting to ease up more and more each day, thankfully), and ballet classes for Claire. (thankfully, the last one was yesterday until Sept1).  I felt like I was so busy and a little concerned with something my doctor was telling me.  So I asked my husband for his ear one evening and just talked to him about some of my feelings.  It was great and we ended the day in prayer.  We are trying to pray more together (we pray separately usually) these days.  I feel blessed when we do.
That wraps it up for me.  I hope you are enjoying some beautiful weather where you are.  

Enjoy the weekend!!


Ingrid said...

I love ballet too ! My son turns 40 this year ! Where is the little boy ?

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I've never been to a ballet. Guess I should get my rear to see one!!

Yay for turning 21!! Joey turned 21 recently as well. I feel old!

Um I love pina coladas!!!!

Kathie said...

Happy Birthday to your girl - wow 21! She's a beautiful young woman!

Sorry to hear about the back and heel problems - hope they're better soon.

It always helps me to talk and pray with my dh as well. Such a comfort.

So glad you had the opportunity to see the ballet - that's awesome.

have a great week - enjoy this gorgeous summer weather!

Barbara H. said...

How neat to live so close to be able to see ballet, esocially as it is such a big part5 of your daughter's life.

A belated happy birthday to Courtney!

I love flowers around the house, especially in the sitting areas outside. Yours are so pretty!

It's nice to have an extended time to talk with our husbands - so often it's just bits and piece here and there. And to pray about the issues together is wonderful.

Susanne said...

Oh I love that "little thing"! Sweet thankfulness from family that notices what you do for them is the best!

When you have "lawn tickets" does that mean it's on a screen? And the Bolshoi ballet sounds like it will be exciting!

I used to have a wildflower garden at my other house and really enjoyed it.

Susanne said...

And a big Happy Birthday to Courtney!

nikkipolani said...

A lot to celebrate this week with your daughter's birthday (and great find for her gift) as well as great opportunities to see the ballet you and Claire both love.

Jerralea said...

It is always wonderful when a mother and daughter can share a common interest and do things they love together. Glad you and Claire were able to enjoy the ballet together.

Happy birthday to Courtney! My youngest is now 21 so I know how you feel ...

I've an idea that spouses praying together make God smile. :)