"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

16 July 2014

What are We Choosing?

I've just started reading through the Psalms again, this time using the Soul Care Bible (NKJV).

I'm savoring these Scriptures written by David...........and all the feelings that he portrays in his writings.

Psalm 6 is the one I'm meditating on today and the above verse really stood out to me.....here's the Scripture in its entirety:

"..let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;  let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You."

Um...I don't know about you, but when I'm dealing with some kind of physical issue, I don't tend to be joyful.  These last 3 weeks I've been dealing with plantar faciitis due to a back problem.  Dancing with my husband tweaked my back (mid and lower parts of my spine have signs of degenerative disk disease and arthritis) and I've been less than joyful.  In fact, my oldest daughter says I've been downright grumpy!

And I don't want to be this way!!  So..this Scripture was really convicting to me today.  It was a busy one.....an early morning physical, ballet class for the teen, a chiropractor appt, another ballet class for the teen, and I had to get an early dinner ready so she could have protein before class.  Fitting in some yoga stretches in there, too, left me feeling grumpy and rushed.  So the first thing I did this afternoon, after making a strong mug of blueberry coffee and praising God for the gorgeous sun, pretty flowers, and dry air on my deck, I turned to my next Psalm.

and I sat and meditated.....drinking in the sun, the fresh breeze, the sound of silence............

And was convicted by that verse.

God wants us to praise Him!!  Not just on Sunday mornings but all the time....we are to give praise (and thanks!) to our Savior!

and trust.  Why am I fretting about my back??  God provided me with an excellent chiropractor who incorporates all the latest core fitness treatment into my regimen.  This place was totally a "God thing"....recommended by more than one church friend.  They got rid of my horrible sciatica 2 summers ago....and taught me what and what not to do.  I trust these doctors.....do I trust them more than GOD???

He has shown Himself to be faithful in my life.....He has this!!

So, a repentant heart sat on the deck, seeking His forgiveness for not simply trusting and rejoicing.

I love God. I talk about how He moves in our lives all the time...to other family members, to friends, to my small group.

And because I love Him I need to be joyful in Him.

Being joyful has no room for fretting.

I can choose which attitude to have as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning......

and as a mom, I set the tone in the home!!

Am I going to choose joyfulness or fretfulness?

Which will you choose??


Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, great post and one I really needed! I got complainy/whiney last night and my hubby really set me straight by reminding me that we must be positive and look forward with faith instead of looking back at past mistakes and beating ourselves up. Hope you get your physical issues resolved soon.

Susanne said...

"I can choose which attitude to have as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning". I love that. I find that sometimes that choice will have to be made several times throughout the day too! Physical stuff does tend to bring the grumpy out in me too.

Paula said...

Wonderful post, Faith. There are such nuggets in the Psalms. My mom used to tell me, "Happiness is a choice." I've let my circumstances direct my attitude too often lately. I need to remember the Source of my joy.