"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

15 August 2014

Due to traveling today and tomorrow.......I will not be participating in this week's FFF but I will be back next week!

It's that time of summer.......moving our oldest daughter back on campus......for her final year......

Oh how this is a bittersweet time for me......

Dave can't join us this year due to being at the Global Leadership Summit .......

So Claire and I are driving out to Boston while Courtney drives her car.......both vehicles are loaded.....

And when we get back to our eastern part of NYS, we will have only 2 weeks of summer vacation left!!!

around our house, we are savoring these last days .....and saying Hello to new changes.......

Have a great weekend!!!


Susanne said...

Enjoy your time getting Courtney settled and safe travels!

Monica said...

Be safe and enjoy your time together!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Have a safe trip! Blessings to you!

Jerralea said...

What an exciting time of year! Hope Courtney settles in and has a great year.

Enjoy your last two weeks of summer!