"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

20 August 2014

lazy days

we all long for them..........

                     we all need them.............

                                     do we all take them?

I'm reflecting on lazy days........especially lazy summer days............

you know the ones..........

where you feel the sun on your shoulders

the wind ruffling the water be it lake or sea........

Northhampton Beach State Park
Great Sacandaga Resevoir
Southern ADKs
19 August

your limbs loose and your mind at ease

 your soul listening, waiting.............

for what?  your mind is full of

new directions?  new schedules?  new ministry opportunities?

maybe a physical move or job change?

maybe an emotional battle yearning to be won and set loose?

new ways to deal with your teens or trying toddlers?

concerns or stress over college kids, future career, student debt, tuition costs, lack of finances........

prodigal children or special needs challenges......

marital strife or missing friendships?

what is your mind reeling with................

what is your soul longing for?


can you completely let your mind, heart, body and soul rest?

I've been talking with friends this summer because I'm home from work in the months of July and August.  I like to connect with my friends as I have time to really listen and chat.

And in doing so, I have learned that many of my friends are dealing with some issues mentioned above......or other things not listed.....

and I've realized that I, too, have struggled with just simply resting in God.........

in waiting on Him....in talking with Him..........

oh yes, prayer happens every day.......but have I really spent a significant time emotionally connecting with my Redeemer-Friend like I do my earthly friends?

Have I allowed my self to be so absorbed in the intimacy of the Father to hear that still, small Voice or are my prayer times rushed with pleas and quick praise?

I'm finding that these last days of summer vacation are ones I want to savor......

with the Savior.........

some alone time.......

some time spent being lazy......doing nothing yet doing everything in my power to connect with my Friend.......the One who is always there.....always listening, always guiding, always teaching............

We need to have these lazy days.........these "Sabbaths"........

to just sit.............

and savor...........

Let's purpose together to savor these last days of summer..........and to be lazy in the Lord...........

.........to let loose our thoughts, plans, actions......

and just be.

With Him.

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