"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

28 November 2014

Day After Thanksgiving Faves

Whew....I'm writing this on Thanksgiving night for tomorrow's Friday Fave Five because I plan on sleeping in and then having breakfast with my in-laws before doing something special with my husband, daughters and sister/brother in law.  It's been a whirlwind of a week.

I'm sharing FIVE FAVE things from the week by linking up at Susanne's with other writers giving thanks for the blessings God gives us.  I'm also counting these 5 things as my "Praise Post #28" with Jerralea.


  • SAFE ARRIVALS!  I'm so thankful that we arrived safely from our home in eastern NY to here at my in-laws in Plymouth County, MA.  There was a winter storm warning out for most of NY into the Berkshires for Wednesday, so on Tuesday evening, after dinner, we packed up the car and headed east a day early to avoid the snow.  Our town got about 7 inches of snow according to my neighbor...areas west of us got about a foot according to one of my sisters.  Out here on the coast of MA, we only had heavy rain and then a mild, sunny day for Thanksgiving Day.  Our oldest daughter Courtney made it safely down the coast from her campus apartment on Wednesday afternoon in the heavy rain.  She only had to drive through snow for a little ways, a bit west of Boston.  God's protection...always a fave!

  • Phone Calls.  I was thrilled to be able to talk with my husband's oldest sister who couldn't make it out from San Francisco to be with us.  And I was able to chat with my oldest niece who is doing her vet residency up on Prince Edward Island and couldn't come down for Thanksgiving.  It was so good to hear from both of them.  I also had a chance to talk with my dad a little bit, later in the afternoon after our feast.  I'm thankful we can stay connected  with extended family via cell phones!
from left to right:  Courtney, Dave, Claire, Quetu, Kathy, Pete, me

  • FAMILY FUN!  Oh my goodness.  I've never laughed so much in my life.  After dinner with my in-laws on Wednesday evening, the 4 of us (my husband and I and 2 daughters) headed over to my husband's older brother's house.  They live a couple of blocks away from my in-laws and we get along so well.  Peter and Kathy are not just relatives, they are friends.  We have a blast with them!! Their  son Adam is our oldest nephew (age 26) and their daughter Beth (age 24) is our oldest niece.  We don't get to see them as much since they are out on their own in graduate school and working.  Well, we had so much fun with Pete and Kathy.  I made cranberry vodka drinks and we played ping pong, foosball, and just hung out with their Bernese Mountain dog, Quetu.  Claire especially loves Quetu.  I really loved seeing my husband having fun.  We really needed this evening.  I'm so thankful for fun relatives.
Claire and Quetu

  • THANKSGIVING DAY!!  We had it in the fellowship hall of my in-laws' church because there were 15 of us this year and we no longer have the beach house to use.  Everything went very well.  It was my husband's turn to cook and everything turned out great. Everyone brought something to share and we all went around the table to say something we were  thankful for about the person on our left.  It was a hit!  I'm thankful for my husband's family...they do know how to have a fun time!!  
feast time!

Our Sister in law Kathy....always full of fun!

My husband Dave, his brother Pete, and nephew Adam

  • COUSIN FUN!  It was special to see the cousins having fun. Sadly, 2 of our nieces couldn't make it....Hanna, the daughter of my husband's oldest sister, is in grad school in England, and Beth, (Pete and Kathy's daughter) is doing her vet residency on PEI.  But the rest of the gang were here and oh what fun they had. Ronnie and Debi are now teens and the children of my husband's youngest sister Paula.   Grammy T made them lie down on the floor for pictures of her knit hats she made everyone.  We still aren't sure why she wanted them to lie down but they willingly did it.  You don't argue with Grammy!!
clockwise from the bottom left:  Adam, Ronnie, Debi, Claire, Courtney


Our neighbors from across the street back in NY told me via FB that they snow-blowed our driveway for us!!  I am SO thankful for them!!!

Do you have some faves from this past week?? Please do share in the comment section...you don't need to be a blogger to post a comment!!  Just leave your initials or first name after writing your comment......



Linda said...

I'll tell you, we got about 5 inches over here in western/southern NY last night. I just loved reading about your time in MA. Loved all the photos. Thanks for the smiles and the giggles. Blessings

Ann said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!! Blessings!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like a fun Thanksgiving all around. Much to be grateful for! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Gattina said...

When family gatherings are fun and cheerful, it's so nice !

Jerralea said...

I love the photo with the cousins all wearing hats! I think it was a great idea.

It is great when relatives are our friends also1

Barbara H. said...

Sounds like a lovely time all around! How neat to have access to the church for Thanksgiving - nice to be able to have room to maneuver. I'm so glad everyone had safe travels. I am so thankful, too, for phones and Skype to touch base with those we can't be with.

Willow said...

You had a great Thanksgiving weekend! Of course I love the photo of all the kids in their grandma made hats! I think I may borrow (steal?) that photo idea.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!