"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

22 November 2014

Praise Post #22

I'm  joining Jerralea's Journey blog as we number gifts He's given us during the month of November.  Each day I'll be sharing five things that I am thankful for.  Doing that for 30 days will produce 150 things we are grateful for...and it's easy to find those gifts if we take a moment to look.  You are welcome to join in!  Just head over to Jeri's!

Today I'm thankful for:

  1. The forgiveness we have in Jesus Christ as Savior/Redeemer
  2. My Bible.  I have 3 Bibles (I actually have more that don't get used as much) I often use throughout the month:  the Soul Care Bible in NKJV that I typically use for leading the small group; the Women of Faith Devotional Bible, again in NKJV that I use for my daily reading time and the one I usually bring to church; and the Bible App for my iPad..the YOU version that has several versions you can download along with daily devotional plans and Scripture verses of the day.  I never want to take my Bible for granted......some countries are not allowed to even have a Bible in the home....can you imagine?  
  3. Email.  This is how I stay in touch with Dave's extended family and his parents and I stay in touch with long distance friends this way.  It's also a helpful tool for sending out small group announcements that are too long for a text message!
  4. Texting.  I love this.....even though I still have a slider cell phone and not a smart phone like everyone else in my family, I can still text my college daughter and keep in touch with afterschool schedules with my teenager.  I also text my close friends throughout the week and vice versa.  It's a great piece of technology!
  5. Facetime messaging.  I don't do it often but I love that feature on my iPad...especially when I long to see the face of my princess away at college.
What are you thankful for today?  If you leave a comment, you will be entered into a pool of names and I'll be drawing a winner for a little treat on the last day of November.


Melanie said...

I also appreciate emails and text. I do have a smart phone now but don't use near all of its features. I think I was just as happy with my other phone. I have several Bibles too but my favorites are a NKJ and a Kenneth Copeland KJV study Bible.

Dianna said...

A precious list today, Faith. I also have a number of different Bibles that I use, depending on where I'm at in the house and what it is I'm studying.

Technology is indeed a blessing!

Thanks for sharing such wonderful things with us today.

Linda said...

I have to tell you something...my husbands name is David aka Dave, giggles. Thanks for your praises...they sure make me smile.

Jerralea said...

Yay! I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one that does not have a smart phone. I have a slider cell also where I can text my sweeties. It's the best way to keep up with them.

I have the YouVersion of the bible on my Ipad, too. I use it to take to church. It is so convenient.