"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

19 November 2014

Praise Post #19

I'm  joining Jerralea's Journey blog as we number gifts He's given us during the month of November.  Each day I'll be sharing five things that I am thankful for.  Doing that for 30 days will produce 150 things we are grateful for...and it's easy to find those gifts if we take a moment to look.  You are welcome to join in!  Just head over to Jeri's!

Today I am thankful for:

  1. The Yummly app.  It's free for your smart phone or iPad.  I have it on my iPad and it's a great resource for finding recipes quickly and finding new ones.  It has a "your yums" feature where you can save recipes you find and then click on them and it brings you right to the link.  There's also a feature for keeping a grocery list.  I love it and am thankful it's user-friendly!
  2. Steel cut quick cooking oats.  This is my fave cold weather breakfast.  They cook for only 2 minutes in the microwave. I eat them with a 1/2 c. of blueberries and a 1/4 c. of walnuts.  So filling and chock full of heart healthy goodness.
  3. Vitamin C.  I'm thankful we can get extra vitamin C in our diets via the nature made tablets.  At 500 mg per day it's perfect for helping to boost our immune systems.  My youngest and I use them daily in the winter months.
  4. Easy commute.  I was thankful for today's easy commute.  For some reason I actually got to work 10 minutes early. That rarely happens!
  5. This Scripture:  I needed this today.

What are you thankful for today??


Jerralea said...

I've been doubling up on C vitamins during the fall months, too.

I need to check out the Yummly app for my ipad. I have a lot of trouble finding the recipes I have saved.

I love that scripture you shared - the words and also the illustration.

I'm never early for work :(

Dianna said...

We do Ester C here at our house...starting around August through about March-April. It really does make a difference for us.

We also love Steel Cut Oats...my hubby prefers the quick, but I really like the other best. Blueberries and walnuts...Yum!

I love it when God puts things in front of us that are exactly what we need...like He did for you today.

Praying for you, dear Faith.