"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

20 February 2015

Winter Break Faves

28 more days until Spring begins!!!  Let's hope it really does start on time, since Winter was early this year...at least here in the Great Northeast!

For now, I've been relaxing, for the most part, all week due to being off the school job for Winter Recess.  The ballerina teen has been sleeping in, I've been sleeping a bit later, and doing lots of reading and cleaning! I'm taking a few moments, with a steaming mug of coffee nearby, to reflect on the past week and the FIVE FAVES that God brought my way.  Won't you join in with us by linking up at Susanne's site?


Special  Treats

  • VALENTINE TREATS!  How fun to celebrate Valentine's Day!  We celebrated the evening before, with Claire, by getting Indian food from this fave place in town.  YUMMY!  Last Thursday, I had my small group, and one of the ladies (my dear friend Monica) surprised us all with little pink boxes of chocolates....so special. (Yes, I shared mine with Dave and Claire!)  And Saturday morning I woke up to find Dark Chocolate Blueberries by my mug of coffee.....he definitely knows what I like to snack on!  And I received a very nice text from the college princess, and the tiny heart card, handmade and with a wonderful note inside, from the ballerina girl.  I'm blessed and I thank God for my dear friends and family.

The ballerina girl (Claire) on the right with from l-r starting in front:
Mady (age 6), Emma (age 11), Uncle Mike and Aunt Jill

Claire and Emma share the chocolate lava cake!
  • LUNCH DATE!  Claire hadn't seen her cousins on my side of the family since last summer so my youngest sister and I arranged a lunch date for Valentine's Day at this fave spot in this fave city which lies between both of our towns.  Jill's husband Mike decided to come along too and it was great to see them.  Oh my. The food!! and the drink I had was perfect. (raspberry cosmos).  Claire and I shared sweet potato fries with blueberry sauce (yup...another weekend of eating  sweet potato fries...I got my fix so no more until summer!!) and I had the Caesar Salad while she had the mozzarella sticks.  She shared a huge piece of Chocolate Lava Cake with her cousin Emma, who will be turning 12 next month.  We had a lot of fun and it's a blessing to get together with family we don't get to see very often.

  • A BIT OF SPRING!  I had ordered the wreath pictured above, for my living room with the intention of putting it up sometime mid-March. But it's been so bitter cold and there was more snow last weekend, so once it arrived on my doorstep Tuesday afternoon, I decided to put it up! I am tired of winter! I took down the snow scene I had on the wall and replaced it with a bit of spring.  The wall behind the wreath did not come out well in this photo...it's actually a light yellow, similar to the flowers in the wreath only a bit more subtle.  It has already lifted my spirits when I sit in there and read.  It's just a little thing but little things are faves too!

  • KITCHEN FUN!  Since I've been home all week, I decided to do some purging of old items from around the house.  The space between the cupboards and the ceiling in my kitchen on 2 walls has been a collection of my Shaker and wicker baskets.  I hung them there when we first built the house 20 years ago.  And I only take them down once a year to dust.  I'm tired of them and my daughters have never liked them...they say it's too "1990s" (um...well..the house was built in 1994 so...)anyways...I decided since I had some free time, to go to this store (I rarely go there even though it's right in town) and do some browsing. I didn't find much but I did find the cute little wooden signs pictured above. I loved the bright colors of the cross "faith, hope and love" and "it is well with my soul" is one of my fave hymns. And that quote on the other sign reads "life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"....another fave I've seen in books and on cards. So....my college daughter will be thrilled when she comes home in March to see that I did get rid of 3 baskets.  I have more to go! I decided I will keep 2 of the baskets (mini ones) and replace the other 3 with either hiking prints or signs about coffee...for now, it's a blessing just to have some new "stuff".

  • EASY RECOVERY!  I'm most thankful this week for the easy recovery the ballerina girl is experiencing after her 4 wisdom teeth were extracted on Tuesday. She had quite a bit of bleeding but once that stopped, she was pretty good.  She's been good about doing the salt water rinses, eating soft foods, taking the antibiotic, and icing/heating her face.  Whew....it's a relief to have it done....I've not been a fan of this procedure in either daughter and now we are done! Thanking God for good oral surgeons and good recoveries.
That wraps up my week.  Whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope you take time to find the blessings......


Melanie said...

I love your spring wreathe. So colorful and pretty. I'm looking for spring too. No snow here but I'm not a fan of the cold. The plaques are very nice. I love baskets but they can get hold after awhile. I'm glad your daughter is doing well after the wisdom teeth extraction. The lava cake looks wonderful! Have a blessed day.

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad your daughter is having an easy recovery. My youngest son had to have his "wisdom tooth" out (actually x-rays showed he only had one...) and he breezed through that experience too. I love the encouraging signs you put up in your kitchen. I have some similar signs up in mine - I love upbeat, encouraging and positive things decorating my home! Great favs of the week. I plan to join with you later. Enjoy what's left of your break and stay warm!

Monica said...

I guess you could say we had a winter break here. We were out of school last Friday for weather, Monday for Presidents day, and then Tue-Thur for bad weather. Finally everyone is back at school.
Spring break is the end of March! Another week off.
So glad Ballerina recovered nicely. That's a hard one!

Jerralea said...

I adore the spring wreath and the colors in your new cross! I think all of us are liking to see spring colors right now.

It Is Well is possibly my all time favorite song. Such a message in those lyrics!

It sounds like you had a fun week!

Barbara H. said...

I dreaded wisdom teeth removal for all of us - hubby and I didn't have that done until well into our adult years. So glad Claire came through it all ok and it is all over with.

Your Valentine's Day and lunch date with cousins sound fun!

Love, love, love that spring wreath.Love your kitchen decorations, too! Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite places.

Ingrid said...

You had a nice week ! I am also so fed up with winter ! The wreath looks beautiful, at least a little spring in your room !

nikkipolani said...

Ah, the joys of sending out the old and welcoming in the new. So nice to have options! Your fave spot sounds terrific -- love love love sweet potatoes in just about any way they come :-)

Linda said...

AH, I wondered where the kids were, I noticed there hasn't been school this past week here...anyways--our break begins on March 12-Spring Break--nothing springy about that, wink. I enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing. Blessings

Susan said...

Okay - I am totally smitten with the idea of sweet potato fries with blueberry sauce. I had to Google to see if such a sauce was available on the internet. The answer is of course, "Yes." This is definitely on my Food bucket list.

I forgot how much I enjoy this quote too: "life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." For me this is one reason I participate in FFF, so I can be reminded of such moments.

LOVE your wreath. I don't normally hang wreaths but yours looks so cheery, I am thinking strongly about doing so.

Have a lovely last few days of vacation.

Susanne said...

So love that spring wreath! The colors are just so cheerful! And I really like the wreath in the kitchen too. I'm looking for a sign too with one of my favourite quotes on it "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful" but haven't found one I really like just yet. Maybe on the internet?

Glad to hear that Claire's tooth extractions have healed without too much trouble for her.

Willow said...

I love the cross--that's what I noticed first!
Are you back to school today? Or did you have a snow/ice day?
I'm so pleased that everyone likes the hats! Stay warm!!
Those goodies make me want some chocolate...off to find some in the cupboard!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

What a great week!! Um, especially the Ghiradelli (sp), I love that chocolate! I bought a bunch of chocolate candy for V- Day for Joe and I to indulge in, mostly Reeses' and Lindor Truffles.

I'm going to take my Spring stuff out in hopes that it will cheer me up AND make Spring come faster!!