"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

18 September 2015

September Faves

One week of school completed already!  It's hard to believe that today marks one week the schools here in the Capital District have been back in the classroom.  The kindergarten I am in is adjusting to all-day kindergarten...a huge change for our district....and things are  starting to calm down and we are getting in a good routine.

Let's take time from the busyness of "back to school" and a "new year" and find FIVE FAVES from the last week.  Once you do find things to be thankful for, you are less likely to be grumpy or anxious!!  Gratitude really does change your attitude.  Then, link up over at Susanne's who is the hostess for this meaningful writing exercise.


  • BBQ:  On Sunday afternoon, my husband's small group (which I was a part of last year for a few months) had an "end of the summer" BBQ at our friend's home.  What a fun afternoon catching up on everyone's lives and summers and eating delicious food.  I had grilled beef for the first time in MANY months....and I discovered I do not miss eating beef at all.  It was good but I feel better when I don't eat meat!  Overall, the BBQ was loads of fun and fellowship. I'm thankful to our friends Hope and Dave for hosting and for all the new friendships we have had made through this group.

  • AFFIRMING WORDS:  On Tuesday morning, a school district administrator in special education was visiting the classroom to observe a particular child I am working closely with who is quite low-functioning and probably should not be in the integrated kindergarten setting.  He is autistic and non-verbal for the most part so lots of sign language is how I am communicating with him.  The admin shared some very encouraging words with me about my work and I was most thankful for that.  It is nice to hear affirming words on the job once in a while!  

  • POWER WALK:  On Monday evening, my husband and I had time together (rare!) for an after dinner walk.  Mondays are the only days during the work week that no one has any evening activities.  I hope it stays that way!  We did just under 2 miles as he was getting tired and for some reason my knee was acting up. (probably due to not working out since the last big hike!).  It felt good to get in over 10,000 steps that day and I'm thankful we could get this work-out in together.

  • CUTE CARD:  My younger sister Hope made and sent me this "Congrats" card for the ADK Fire Tower Challenge accomplishment.  I thought that was very sweet of her and it made my day....plus...it's fun to get real mail other than bills!!  I'm thankful for my sister.

  • SMALL GROUP:  Last evening, the small group I lead met for the first time since June.  There were only 3 of us and 2 women were supposed to be here to check us out to see if they would be a good fit, but they never showed.  Because of this, we just had a social night of catching up on each other's lives, sharing prayer requests, and making plans for the new year.  I'm excited that in two weeks we will be starting a new book (see side bar) and hopefully the 2 new ladies will join us! I'm so thankful for my friends in this group and for what God might do with the group this year......and we decided we will still meet even if it is just the three of us!
Those were the highlights......what were yours??

Please share in the comment section and enjoy the beautiful weekend!  I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying late summer weather like we are!!


Susanne said...

I had less than half of my group show up on the kickoff night too but it was still a great evening hearing about everyone's summer. Hopefully once we get back into routine everyone will be there.

It is nice to hear from someone that your efforts on the job are being noticed. And sweet of your sis to send that card. I love snail mail but I usually just get bills. LOL.

Barbara H. said...

I have enjoyed many of Cynthia Heald's studies but have not seen that one. Hope you all have a good study and fellowship!

We don't eat beef much as my husband has trouble digesting it but I crave it sometimes. Not often though - I usually get my fix when we eat out. :-)

How wonderful that an administrator noticed your work and took time to encourage. And how sweet of your sis to send you a card. I know what you mean, it's rare to receive personal mail any more and a treat when it comes.

Karen said...

Your week was lovely and encouraging. About your small group, sometimes it's nice when just a few people are together. I always feel that we can make a plan with group activities, but it will work out the way it's supposed to.

Enjoy your weekend, Faith.

Linda said...

Always enjoy your posts, Faith. Congrats again on the Fire Challenge---what an accomplishment. Have a beautiful rest of the weekend. Blessings

nikkipolani said...

Those affirming words are so encouraging when they are genuine, aren't they? Your group's bbq sounds like it was an encouraging time, too. Lots of good this week, Faith!

Susan said...

Your new small group book looks so good, I went ahead and bought it. It just might be a great resource for our women's retreat the end of October.

Handmade cards are such a treat. How sweet of your sister to make one to acknowledge your accomplishment.

Hurray on getting more than 10,000 on Monday. I need to locate my fitbit and get back into walking. It is an older model and I have difficultly in get the band connected. Biut I was more disciplined about walking when I wore it all the time.

Have a great week.

Willow said...

Those affirming words are always so encouraging! It helps us keep going on the hard days.
Usually, we walk about 2.5-3 miles in the evenings. I should check how many steps that is. I hope you can continue as the weather cools down.
Have a great week!