"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

31 December 2015

New Year Faves

It's hard to believe we are in 2016! 2015 really flew by in so many ways!!

I'm reflecting back on the week to find Five Faves to share with other bloggers who link up at Susanne's site.  It was a fairly relaxing week since all the public schools were off due to Christmas vacation.  We go back to the normal routine on Monday, with new goals and plans for the new year.

  • RELAXING CHRISTMAS:  this was our most relaxing Christmas in years!  Because our daughters are older now (22, 17), they like to sleep in.  The 22 year old had to work on Christmas Eve so she was tired and Dave and I sang in our church choir for all 3 services which made for a busy Eve.  But once Christmas Day arrived, we slept in, had a leisurely pancake breakfast, opened stockings and gifts.  The above book was my fave gift from my husband.  It's a new Adirondack challenge but...it doesn't involve hiking!!  Of course, I will still hike on any trails that are in the towns listed in this challenge.  Basically, it is to drive to and visit each village in the "north country" (all 102) and get the book either signed or stamped by a town resident.  It's going to be so much fun to work on this!! After a lasagna dinner, we all had some down time to read, play computer games, watch movies.  It was heavenly!!

  • VISIT WITH DAD:  Saturday was the day my sister Joy brought our dad to my house.  She had him for Christmas day and we thought the change of scenery would be good for him. Sadly, he does have some dementia but we did have some good conversation and he seemed happy with the basket of goodies we gave him.  It is always good to see my dad but also so difficult these days to see him struggle with memory and certain daily living skills.  He still loves the Lord and reads his Bible and for that I am especially grateful.  He will be turning 84 next week!!

  • ROAD TRIP/2nd XMAS:  On Sunday, Dave, Claire and I went out to Plymouth County (MA) to visit with his parents and do Xmas with them. Courtney had to work on Monday so couldn't come with us. We skyped with her though, so she could watch the festivities.  We were there less than 24 hours and were joking around that it was our shortest trip ever to the south shore but they are getting to the point where they really can no longer drive long distances.  I received the above Alex and Ani bracelet from them......she wanted to find "daughter in law" charms but found this instead.  She gave one to me and to Dave's brother's wife.  It is very special to me that she sees me "like a daughter". For their granddaughters (they have 5) they gave  an Alex and Ani "Granddaughter" charm. Very special gift from special people!  I'm thankful we had this time with them and that we had a safe trip to and from their home.

  • COFFEE DATE!  My friend Carla and I met for coffee after my annual physical on Wednesday.  It was so great to just sit and relax with my fave peppermint mocha beverage.  We got caught up on what's going on in our lives and made plans to get together with our husbands for drinks and dinner some weekend soon.  I'm thankful for the relaxing days of vacation to meet up with friends.

  • GOOD REPORTS!  I had the last part of my annual physical this past week and I'm thankful that the ob/gyn tests from last month were all normal and that the results were sent ahead of time to my regular doc so she could go over them with me.  All I'm waiting for is the blood work results.  I'm thankful for good health and the knowledge of my doctor.

That wraps up my faves list.  I hope you have a wonderful start to 2016.........write your story well!!


Susanne said...

A lovely faves to wrap up the year. Unfortunately, I was not able to post at all this week. I tried to work on one but just didn't get finished. Too many things happening. Happy New Year!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello Faith! Happy New Year. Sounds like things are going well for you! Hope 2016 brings many good things to you and yours!