"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

12 January 2016


When my first born daughter was born....our princess Courtney....we bonded right away.  It wasn't difficult at all.  I believed in sleep- sharing and it totally worked for those long nights of breast-feeding.  We didn't do this every night though, for obvious reasons, and also so she wouldn't become "too clingy" at bedtime.  Those special times of bonding were just priceless.

Fast forward to a couple of years later......she and I would be walking together in a park, or on a city street, or in the woods on a trail, or on the beach and we would hold hands.  Partly because I didn't really believe in using the stroller all the time.  Partly because I wanted her close by me, to teach her the life skills of walking in public, safety rules, etc. 

 But really?? 

 Because I just wanted to cling to her.  I wanted to keep our good bond going for as long as the Lord allowed.  She was my little buddy.  (keep in mind that she was my only child for the first 5 1/2 years of her life!).

That clinging of the hand taught her several things:  the promise that Mommy would always be watching out for her, (or Daddy if he was the one walking with her).  The hope that I would lead, guide and protect her.....show her the way.  The fact that she could trust in me.

And this week, I was reading in Psalm 63 as a morning devotional.  Here's the verse that jumped out:


And it reminded me that now....now she is "all grown up" and no longer needs my hand.  Yet she does need a Hand.........like I do........

We can't do this life alone.  As Believers we can hold on to Christ.  Jesus desires to spend time with us, guiding us, leading us, protecting us.

Our very souls cling to Him...............He is the One who keeps us upright!

God is steadfast.  When we cling to Him, we become more and more like Him for we see Him as He is.  He can bear all of our burdens, hear all of our trials, and love us unconditionally.  We can walk boldly when we have Him by our side.

He wants to give us so much more of Himself. 

 We become more intimate by clinging to Him.  Our very souls.  He is a Father who leads, guides, protects much in the same way that an earthly father or mother leads, guides, protects the precious child entrusted to them.

Are you clinging to Him today?

Cling to Him and know Him.  

1 comment:

Linda said...

Beautiful...thank you friend.