"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

04 January 2016

Word of the Year and what it means!


Here's my word for 2016.......

Ok...that's more than one.....but really....

it's the word "Simplify".

And by that, I mean in ALL areas.....the home (major purging and updating has been going on and will continue to do so in the coming months)

the physical body:  much more plant-based (I successfully lowered my "bad" cholesterol in the last year by 5 points (even though it is STILL over 100 so I have a ways to go) and I raised my "good" cholesterol by 6 points so I am most thrilled by that!  All because of making my daily meals more "simple"......(plant based, cut way back on dairy, added certain grains, nuts, berries, and more working out......I plan on continuing some good work outs and hopefully will add a couple new things to my weekly routine.

the mental:  saying "NO" more to certain projects, events, extended family obligations, and learning to ask for help without feeling guilty...especially around the house with chores, errands, etc.

the emotional:  letting go of negative thoughts that can bring on anxiety and going right to the Source...the One who can take every thought captive..........

the daily:  less time on social media, wasting minutes and more time reading for pleasure, engaging in conversation with the family, extra time in the Bible, meaningful face time with friends and loved ones........intentionally living........

the spiritual:  I'm focusing on meditation, journaling, and digging deeper into Scriptures to find relevancy for my life today...for my daughters' lives....engaging in conversation with my husband like in our early years.....focusing on intimacy with Christ...always a goal with me...........

the material:  less is more!  Getting rid of knick knacks, extra pots and pans, dishes, books, out-dated clothing (dear God I found something with SHOULDER PADS in my closet last month...out it went!!)  music, "stuff"!!

 Minimalist is in...and I'm embracing it.  Totally recycling just about everything we can..........in fact, our recycling bin is as big as our trash bin and we actually recycle more than we throw away in the garbage bin..the recycling one is always full whereas our trash one not as much!

Not obsessing about the house.  Yes, it's clean. Is it thoroughly dusted each week? nope...and who cares?? no one!!  Laundry is done, meals are cooked, kitchen is clean, bathrooms and bedrooms are cleaned, vacuumed, mopped.  No more freaking out about a little dust on the piano. NONE of my friends care. They don't inspect!  I'd rather be hospitable and spontaneous than a slave to my housework.

I'm going on more hikes this year (is that possible??!).  Trying new adventures....running a social group....writing my testimony and hopefully turning it into a book..........creating art (more on that later)............trying Holy Yoga!

embracing life........living full to fully live............

what about you??

Do you have a "word of the year?"


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith! I love this post. My word for the year is "Forward." I don't want to be held back by things in the past I can't change and don't understand. Trusting God to make all things right. I think Simplify is another great word. We are purging and simplifying our lives too. It is a work in progress. I love how you said you would rather spend time with friends and family than dusting every week. So true! How many years it took for me to figure this out. My house is basically tidy and clean, but I try not to stress about it like I used to. The dust will wait for me to get to it tomorrow, or the next day...Have a great week, my friend!

Linda said...

Everyone has such great words and I love yours---mine is Unconditionally. Impossible, I know. I have not quite embraced the word yet, but since it was clearly given to me, I will have to embrace it.

Blessings to you.

Susanne said...

I haven't even had time to think or pray over one properly. We've been dealing with a sick kitty and saying goodbye and it's been totally emotionally draining. So a word for the year has been low on my priority of stuff to do.

Michelle said...

My word for 2016 is love, I am going to try to reflect the Love of Christ everyday. I am also cleaning, purging and organizing a lot, we just have too much stuff

About a chiK said...

Love it. I really like how you broke it down into actionable goals in the different area of your life. Thanks for sharing!

About a chiK said...

Love it. I really like how you broke it down into actionable goals in the different area of your life. Thanks for sharing!

Leah Adams said...

Oh, what a wonderful word...and this post. It is so good because you really just wrote out your action plan for 2016. I love it! Thank you for linking up at The Loft. Your presence here is a blessing.

PS: You better hang on to those shoulder pads....they are destined to come back in style! Blech!!!

Jerralea said...

I love everything about this post, Faithe! While I'm certainly not a minimalist, I do feel less is more. I'm also working in all the areas you mentioned, so it is great to know a blogging buddy with the same interests. (Well, I'm not trying for a plant-based diet, but I am trying to do better.)

May 2016 bring you success in your goals.

Unknown said...

WOWO!! I believe we are on the same page...I am seeking to renew every area of my LIFE this year. thank you for your honesty and your beautiful words!

renblogger said...

I'm there with you on "daily", it's also one of my goals for the year! I'm coming to you from The Loft! Thanks for sharing your one word.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I like that word. I'm going to try to do that too!!! I put so much on myself then I get burned out and get laxed on my writing, blog reading/writing, etc. I need more time with me, definitely more time with God and more organization!!