"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

25 February 2017

2017 Book Review #7: Rhythms of Rest

I received this book as a gift from a fellow blogger.....it had interested me when I saw her review, and she was very kind to send it to me.  I will now pay it forward and pass to someone else to read.

This book is a non-fiction book about finding the Spirit of the Sabbath in the busy world we live in.


It is written by a woman who is a ministry leader and runs an internet community called the Sabbath Society.  

Basically, it is geared for people who want to find rest from their fast-paced lives.  It's about how to make rest.....true Sabbath rest...a reality.  She goes into ideas for small chunks of time to whole days of rest.  

The book contains numerous anecdotes and samples of emails she has received from people she has ministered to from her online community or teachings.  
She shares about physical rest as well as spiritual rest and what that looks like to her.

She gives ideas about ways to be intentional with our Sabbath, for tuning out the many distractions that come along and really tune in to God, and how meals and other events with our families or friends can be Sabbath experiences.

She includes Scriptures from both Old and New Testaments as well as quotes from famous Christian writers like C. S. Lewis and A. W. Tozer.


This book was ok but not what I was really hoping for.

She doesn't talk much about intimacy with the Lord and how that is really what the goal of Sabbath is.  She did share much about resting from daily activity and even went so far as to talk about preparing meals the night before your Sabbath.  But for some reason this just kind of seemed a bit "legalistic" to me. 

I guess I was hoping for more discussion about the need to get away by your self and find that quiet place with the Lord....for more real intimacy with Jesus which brings rest as well as energy to our souls.

I think I was expecting it to be more like the very amazing book Breathe by Priscilla Shirer. But then again, it is very difficult to top Priscilla!!

Don't get me wrong.  It is well written, has many examples from women in all walks of life who long to engage in a real Sabbath experience consistently.  But I was just expecting something deeper I guess...something more Christ centered and less about "doing" Sabbath. I just got bored by the last couple of chapters.

In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 17 and older.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this an 8.


Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Our pastor touched on "resting" today. Jesus went to a quiet place and sometimes we have to as well. With my home business(es) plus writing I find I have little time to rest....or spend with Him and that has GOT to change because without HIM I wouldn't be where I am. So I will definitely read this one!!

Susanne said...

Oh that's too bad it didn't meet with expectations. When you mentioned it I think I sorta had the same kind of expectations as you did.