"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

31 March 2017

End of March Faves

End of March.

And just a couple more weeks until Spring Break!

Please join me and other bloggers as we share FIVE of our FAVE things from the past week.  We then link up at Susanne's site.

This was a super busy week for me and I'm glad it's over but here are some little things God blessed me with:

  • DINNER DATE:  Dave and I had to go pick up his car at the train station last Friday evening, and stopped by our fave local diner for some dinner afterwards.  This little spontaneous dinner date was just what I needed to start off the weekend! I'm thankful my husband can be spontaneous at times!

  • DRINKS DATE: My next door neighbor/friend Melissa invited me over Friday evening for a drink. She was making cranberry cosmos and this was my dessert from dinner. Dave had some stuff he wanted to do right after our dinner date so I went next door where I ended up staying quite late. It was fun to catch up and see her new home improvements.  Fun evening!!  I'm thankful for a good friend who is also a neighbor and a sister in Christ.

  • SAFE TRAVELS:  our oldest daughter took the train to and from NYC this past weekend. She had switched cars with my husband to get to the train station in the city a bit south of us and we didn't want it staying there all weekend.  Once she arrived she found out there had been a derailment at Penn Station and she had to switch trains to arrive at Grand Central. This was her first time doing this alone so I'm thankful all went well!

  • SIGNS OF SPRING!  I finally saw some signs of Spring this past week around my house.  First, I saw a robin in our back yard.....that's always a sign that spring has arrived here in eastern NY.  Then on Wednesday when I got home from work I saw one yellow crocus had pushed its way up in our front flower bed.  I was so happy to see that color!  No I didn't take a photo because I was just too busy to stop and hunt for my cell phone which was buried in the bottom of my tote bag.  And almost ALL of the snow is gone from our yard.  AND a lot of the birds that migrate south are flying back to our area....in fact, my yard was full of red winged blackbirds that make their way back here every spring.  I'm thankful for signs of spring!!

  • PEACE OF GOD:  It's been a rough week.  We (my 3 younger sisters and our families) found out that my dad is not doing well at all.  He is now in the what the doctors say are the last stages of dementia. He has "forgotten" how to swallow and has lost many pounds.  He was frail to begin with so this is not good.  He also has a "no feeding tube" as his last wish which we will respect so the nursing home staff are doing "comfort care".  That said, I am thankful for the peace of God.  I know he has been a Christ follower since the age of 20 and he is now 85.  He is so ready for heaven and to see my mom who is waiting for him there.  I don't know where you are on your spiritual walk but I do believe heaven is for those people who know God in a personal way.  And that is my dad for sure. I'm so thankful I know where my daddy is going once he passes from this life to the next and that brings great comfort and peace.

I hope you all have a peaceful, relaxing weekend!


Karen said...

I'm sorry to hear that your dad is not doing well. The peace you are feeling for him is a blessing indeed.

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad your daughter's travels went well, even with the change of plans. How fun to have a spontaneous dinner date! That's one thing I love about spring - watching all the little signs appear one by one.

I am sorry about your father. It's so hard when they start declining. What counts most of all is that peace of having believed on Christ - so glad he made that decision years ago.

Ingrid said...

That's the nicest thing you can do for your dad, "comfort care", and not try to keep him alive by all means !

Willow said...

I am saddened by your dad's situation, but it comforts me to know your confidence in your dad's ultimate home.
Those signs of spring are so welcoming!!

Susanne said...

I am so sad for your family but also so happy for you that you know he's heading to his eternal home to be with his Savior and see your mom again.

Spring is trying to come here to. Some plants are starting to show green but boy today is on the chilly side.