"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

26 May 2017

End of May Faves

End of May!  WHAT???!!

HOW did we get to the end of May already?  I guess it flew for me since working full time and getting house projects done consumed most of my month!  Not to mention Senior Prom, Senior Pics and hiking season began in earnest.

Here's a list of the FIVE things that make up my faves list for the week that I'm sharing by linking up at Susanne's site.  I love looking back over the week to find those special blessings that brought a smile or comfort to my heart.

Mikale, Claire, Bree, Jonny
all set for Senior Prom

Claire with her friend Mikale
Prom Hair

  • SENIOR PROM!  So, Claire, our youngest, had invited a friend from a different school district, to her Senior Prom because her best friends decided to change up the plans and Claire was uncomfortable with what the post prom plan was (camping and drinking!).  So, she stood up for her self, invited her friend whom she's gone on a couple of dates with and invited another couple from his school to go along too.  Jonny (pictured with his girlfriend Bree) used to go to Claire's school until about 2 years ago and they've stayed in touch. Jonny is the one who introduced Claire to Mikale.  They've double dated a couple of times this past winter.  Our school allows guests to come (one guest per Shaker student) after they fill out paper work and get parental and both schools approval. Claire had two classmates who volunteered to be the invitee for Jonny and Bree.   It all worked out and Claire loved her evening! It was last Friday evening and the weather was perfect....low 70s and sunny! The teens had such a good time.  They are a great bunch of kids! I'm so thankful she enjoyed her last prom and that everyone stayed safe!

  • CHORES COMPLETE!  Saturday, Dave and I had several little things to get done....one was my car needed an inspection.  Sadly, it didn't pass and I had to spend a little over $700 (GULP!) on new rear brakes, along with something else underneath that was leaking fluid. BUT..while my car was in the shop, we managed to get some house stuff done, Dave ordered the new shutters we need for the front of the house, and I received two discounts on the brake work.  Because my car is 10 years old now (Nissan Sentra), it was time for these things to get done...the mechanic actually told me it's a great car and with less than 90,000 miles on it, I plan on keeping it for at least another year and hopefully our youngest can then take it to college.  I'm so thankful every thing worked out and we got many  things done around the house.
Mady on summit of Sleeping Beauty Mountain
Eastern Adirondacks
21 May 2017

Gerri on summit point of Sleeping Beauty Mt

Lake George as seen from the summit of Sleeping Beauty Mt
21 May 2017
  • HIKE!  This hike was my 5th time climbing Sleeping Beauty Mountain in the Eastern Adirondacks outside Lake George NY.  I took my friend Gerri and my 8 year old niece Mady.  What a perfect weather day and a fun hike!!  Mady did a great job and Gerri and I make great hiking partners.  We keep a good pace and I just loved that we were able to hike 8.52 miles with NO problems!! So thankful for living near my beloved mountains.

  • POWER WALKING:  I managed to get in a couple of good power walks after dinner this week.  Although I much prefer doing this kind of work-out in the early morning, it just isn't possible for me while working full time. (unless it's a weekend day).  So I was very pleased to see that my fitbit and "map my walk" app recorded that I did 1.4 miles in just 21 minutes.  A bit slow for me but it had been over a month since I had time to power walk AND it was a couple of days after the long hike on Sunday.  I'm thankful for time after dinner some evenings to get the fresh air and exercise.

  • GRILLED SALMON! I managed to get some good wild salmon when at the grocery store earlier this week and so I grilled it for Wednesday evening's dinner and it was SO good.  I marinated it with a bit of olive oil, lemon juice and herbs de provence and oh my.  Dave, Courtney and I all loved it.  Claire of course being vegan, stuck to the roasted veggies I made to go with it and the corn on the cob....the first of the season. I'm thankful for my gas grill! 
That wraps up my week.

We  are about to start the long Memorial Day weekend. Whatever you have planned, please take a moment to pray for our service members and also stay safe!



Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

What gorgeous prom pics!!! Can't believe she's a senior!!
That mountain hike looked fun!!!
Glad you had an awesome week (er, except for the $700 lol)

Barbara H. said...

I am so proud of Claire for changing her plans when the group was doing something she felt uncomfortable with. She looks lovely (as always!) and I'm so glad she had a great time and everyone was safe.

I always cringe at having to spend money on cars, but it is a good feeling when needed problem are taken care of.

Glad you got a lot of work done and walks and hikes in! I need to experiment with salmon and fish in general more - your grilled salmon sounds good.

collettakay said...

Way to go, Claire, for standing up for what is right! Super impressed :) My daughter went to her Junior prom this year and is about to become a Senior! Where has the time gone?

I hope you can stop by:



Susanne said...

Claire's dress looks stunning on her. So glad everything worked for a great evening for her. And good on her for listening to her gut about the other plans. The hike looks wonderful.

Willow said...

I am so proud of Claire for sticking up for her principles and having friends who are willing to stand with her!
Although I am usually vegan, I do occasionally eat salmon, and yours sounds wonderful!
Those hikes are great. Hurray for a hiking buddy and for a niece who loves to hike.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the Prom Pictures. Hope your daughter had a wonderful time. Good for her for standing up for what was right! I love it! What a great young woman. Ouch - a $700 car repair - that hurts, but at least it is fixed, and believe me we've all been there. Have a blessed Memorial Day. God bless the USA!