"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

02 February 2018

Mid-Winter Faves


We are at the Mid-Winter point for 2018.  I am really hoping that in about 6 weeks, we really do see signs of Spring!

While we wait, let's take time to give thanks and list our blessings.  Many of us participate in the FFF to share FIVE of our FAVE moments or things from the past week.  Head on over to Susanne's site to check out the guidelines.

  • NEW COLOR AND CUT:  So after a little more than 2 years, I told my stylist that I wanted to be done with the asymetrical cut and go even.  So of course that required bringing up the sides and layering the bangs a bit with layers in an angled cut but I love it!  I'm growing it out to a  choppy short bob with long layers so it will take a couple of months but for now I love this easy cropped cut. She also gave me a richer brunette color. A bit darker than what I was born with. (forgive the photo...I'm not too great at taking selfies). I'm thankful for a good hair stylist!

  • CONVERSATION WITH A 20 SOMETHING:  Last Sunday I volunteered to help run our small group info table in the church lobby.  The other person helping was our Director of Small Group Ministry, a paid staff member who happened to have graduated with my oldest daughter from Gordon College.  In fact, they were in the same Christian preschool class way back in 1996 when they were just 3 years old!  It was fun to get to know him a bit more and chat about what we like about small group ministries.  He is a very good listener and an excellent director.  He is young and fresh and I'm thankful our church recognizes that some 20 somethings really do have it together.  

our neighborhood up by the historic cemetery

a bit of history.....and on the National Historical Registry
right in our own  suburban neighborhood!

where the above mentioned rider  is buried

  • SUNDAY WALK:  Around 3 pm on Sunday, Dave said he would join me for a walk around the neighborhood. It's only about 2 miles but it was perfect.  As you can see, our snow is gone and the temps were not too bad over the weekend.  It was a little under 40 degrees F and I was loving the sunshine! We popped up to the cul de sac to visit the cemetery....I  love walking up there because I like how the trees look.  I'm thankful we had this time together to get some fresh air, exercise and talk.

  • PLAY/WORK:  As most of you know, I am a special ed preschool teacher.  Well, an assistant now.....not the head teacher.  Part of my job is working with the socially/emotionally immature children as well as the speech and language delayed children.  The head teacher focuses on the children who have autism.  This little boy, E, (you can see his hand in the photo) came into school in Sept as a young 3 year old.  His identical twin is also in our class but J's play skills are a bit more typical.  Both boys are a bit unfocused and tend to have some language issues.  Well, E used to just throw these type of blocks.  I ran a small group to teach how to play with them, using video modeling, visual photos, and role playing as well as some hand-over-hand play.  This past week, he helped me make a "castle".  He did most of the work (Play is a child's work you know!) and although I had to give him choices of what he wanted to create, he did a lot of the fine motor work himself and really is starting to understand turn taking and sharing.I'm very proud of him and thankful I get to play with these special children.
image taken from FB Page
  • LIFE GROUPS!  Our youngest (Claire) called me late Friday night to let me know how the first week of 2nd semester went.  She was so excited because even though she might have to miss some CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) meetings due to Ballet Company rehearsals on the same evening, she is now in a life group (similar to small groups/Bible study) on Friday evenings from 6-8 pm.  Perfect!  She seems to enjoy all of her new classes this semester and is very busy but loves college life.  I'm thankful she now has a group of Christian friends to get to know, too. This was important to us since she is at a non-Christian university.
That wraps up my week.

Nothing really exciting but little blessings God tossed in my path.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Wendy said...

Your hair looks great and will be easy to manage. Always a relief when our kids are doing ok and yes some young adults can be very mature. I often walk through our local cemetery but it doesn't have any claims to fame like yours. Although it does have the ashes of my parents so for me it's special. Have a good weekend.

Sandi said...

That's encouraging about the 20-something! :) The news would have us think everyone young has gone mad...but it's not true.

Barbara H. said...

It's nice to have a fresh cut. Mine is a little longer than usual but cooperating better than it usually does at this length - good, because it is keeping my neck warm in this cold. How rewarding to see improvement with the little folks you work with. So glad Claire has a group of Christians to get together with at school.

betty-NZ said...

It sounds like good things going on in your corner of the world!

Ingrid said...

I like your "new" head very much ! Suits you very well ! from time to time we need a change, I had my hair cut short last autumn.

Karen said...

A fresh new look does wonders, doesn't it? I love the color! Your work must be so rewarding, especially connecting as you did with the little guy.

I love history and old cemeteries. You live in a neat place!

There are so many intelligent and interesting young people today, they just blow me away. It's a shame that society and news stories often make us think otherwise.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend, Faith!

Jerralea said...

We all need a change from time to time and a new style is often the very thing to make us feel better!

You do live in a neat area. I love cemeteries, too. Sometimes you can see some really interesting things.

How wonderful that you get a sense of fulfillment in your work! I'm sure you are making a big difference in these little ones' lives.

Willow said...

I'm glad Claire has found CRU and is getting involved.

Like you, I enjoy walking in cemeteries, especially old ones. In LA, we lived near an 'old' (old for LA) cemetery and I'd walk around in there.

Good report on your student's progress!

Susanne said...

Great cut! I like the darker color. Wonderful to see improvement when you work with small children. We have those same blocks and love them. Glad Claire is enjoying round 2 of college and found a small group to attend that she enjoys. It's nice to hear good reports from our young adults away at school! You have no snow and we are socked in with snow! The pile on the lawn beside my daughter's VW Beetle is higher than her car from all the shovelling!