WOW. It's Friday already! How did this week go by so quickly?
Let's pause for a moment and find the blessings from the week. I'm linking up with Susanne and sharing five of my faves. Won't you join us? what blessed you this past week?
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beginning of trail into Lake Bonita 7 April |
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frozen beauty |
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breathtakingly beautiful Bonita Lake |
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Anette and myself on the edge of Bonita Lake photo compliments of Cheryl B. |
- EARLY SPRING HIKE: 2 hiking friends of mine (Anette whom I just met last summer, and my long time childhood friend Cheryl B) and I bundled up in layers, grabbed our microspikes for our hiking boots and drove about a half hour north of my house to do a 2.2 mile loop hike into and around a never before seen lake. In fact, this trail is brand new because the state just acquired the property for this state park and it's in the southern section where the public was never allowed before, due to a correctional facility being on the premises. Well, that facility closed awhile back and the lake can now be hiked to. It's one exit south of the main entrance to the state park and hardly anyone knows about it yet. In fact, there are actually 3 different trails in there. We only had time to do the loop trail, plus much of the trail was still icy so we plan on going back some Sunday afternoon to explore the rest of this new section. What fun we had! It was just beautiful. Temps hovered around 35 degrees F so hats and gloves were needed for most of the hike. I'm very thankful to have had the chance to explore a new trail!
- DAVE's DINNER! My husband Dave and I hardly ever grocery shop together and I rarely go on a Sunday afternoon but this past weekend both things happened. He picked up the ingredients to make his famous chicken broccoli stir fry and offered to cook dinner that night. I loved it! The food was delicious and we both cleaned up afterwards. It was just a wonderful way to end the weekend. We also did some meal planning together and he actually told me he could go more plant-based. YAY! I'm grateful when my husband takes a turn to help cook. He's actually quite good at it!
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image courtesy of maurices website |
- NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR: I really wanted a lower heel for work and when I see these tan boots at this place, I was sold! Although they weren't on sale, I didn't have to pay shipping for them.....I think because I was a new customer or there was a promotion or something. At any rate, I received them less than a week from ordering them and I'm thankful to have some new footwear.
- GENEROUS FAMILY: I worked with a little boy a couple of years ago whose family is extremely generous. I've stayed in touch with them even though I'm no longer with the public school. Well, the mom saw a recent post on FB I had about my classroom at the preschool agency being underfunded and how we need new toys. She totally surprised me by leaving a HUGE bin of "Thomas the Tank Engine" train cars, tracks, and all the accessories. I'm not kidding when I say there is probably about $1000.00 worth of train tracks in this bin. There are 3 different sets and they are all the top of the line brands. She also left a brand new floor puzzle and a board game. My heart is blessed, the children were super excited to be able to all have a train and pieces of track, and the team is so thankful to this family.
- PAY RAISE! I was surprised to find out that my salary is going up due to being a former master teacher with permanent certification. As an assistant teacher, I make less than when I was master teacher of course, but the certification brings me to a level 3, the highest for this job, so my pay jumps up! I was very thankful for this and it is perfect timing because my beloved oldest daughter, who has been working since September at her first "real" full time job, was let go yesterday!! The guy that hired her last summer was fired in the fall due to mismanaging money among other things and so the agency she was working for hired a new director. Well, come to find out, the agency can no longer afford to have 4 full time employees. The financial guy has to stay so that leaves Courtney looking for a new job. All because someone neglected to do THEIRS. BUT...we are trying to trust the Lord to open up a new door for her and soon. If you think of it, will you lift her up in prayer? I might have to help her pay back her loan so my extra income will come in nicely. These darn federal student loans!! We covet your prayers. thank you!!
That wraps up my week. I am very tired but it was a good first week back in the classroom and tomorrow is the weekend!
Have a blessed, relaxing weekend.
Your hike looks fantastic. So nice to get outdoors and enjoy the beauty and fresh air. Congrats on the pay raise and will definitely say a pray for Courtney. Hubby has been coming grocery shopping with me lately too and it definitely helps. What a blessing the gift of the toys was.
Wow the photos of that lake are stunning. What a lovely place to walk. Sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope it doesn't take too long to find another job but good timing with your pay rise. I struggle to find comfortable shoes so I'd never order online but looks like you did ok. Enjoy wearing them.
It doesn't look like spring at all when I see all this snow !!
I cross my fingers for your daughter to find quickly a new job. Sometimes it is even better to change that happened to me twice. Each time after 5 years the company had to close. I don't know if it was due to me, lol !
You were at 35F and I was at 105F. What a huge and diverse country we live in! That hike looks like a great one!
Hurray for the pay raise! There will be another job for Courtney.
I'm glad you found good shoes that fit--online. You're braver than I am to purchase shoes without trying them on. :)
and I forgot to say how much I love those shoes!!
We northerners are still living with more snow than usual. I'm glad you could get out and enjoy a hike ina newly opened place.
I'm so sorry about your daughter's job. One of our daughters also endured employment struggles for a period of time, but a few months ago was hired at a local bank and has already been given a raise. God know and provides, doesn't He?
My husband cooks more when he can grill outside. I was just wondering recently when our first grilled meal will be! :-) It's always a plus when other family members help with meals. Wow, what a great contribution of all those toys for your classroom! And congratulations on the pay raise! I'm sorry about Courtney's job - I hope and pray she finds another soon.
Oooh, those boots are so cute! My husband and I have been cooking together the past couple of weeks (well, since I've been recovering from surgery, he is doing all of it;) and I really enjoy that time spent together. He's a fast learner, too!
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