"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

15 April 2018


i remember loving my childhood home's back yard in a small village in central New York State. 

I loved that it was full of dandelions to blow in the mid-summer and "making a wish".  All those dandelions that we would pick for Mom to put in little paper cups on the kitchen counter.  All those dandelions to blow seeds and scatter.

How things change though!  Now that we are adults with our own house in the suburbs, with perfectly landscaped yards all around us, we have tried over and over to kill those dandelions.  But nope.....nothing really works unless you spray horrible chemicals all over your yard.

So, a few years ago, we decided, as a family, to keep the yard "wild".  Who cares what the neighbors think?  It has saved us time and money to let the wildflowers grow.

Yes, dandelions are considered an annoying weed to so many people.  But we have no more costly chemicals penetrating our yard (and therefore our bare feet, cause we love walking the grass with our bare feet!), and there are lessons to be learned from the dandelions.  

It's no surprise that in my devotional book titled Earth Psalms, that I read once a week, that this past week's entry was about dandelions and tumbleweeds.

God gave me quite a picture about dandelions.

You see, so many little girls and boys pick up those little stalks and blow those seeds making a wish.

And do any of them know that God wants to give us blessings....He wants us to live abundantly; and He sometimes "grants us our wishes".  No, he isn't a magic fairy in the sky granting our every dream/wish/desire/prayer. However, sometimes those whispered wishes and prayers do get answered with our heart's desires.

BUT more importantly, He does want us to flourish and spread His love....His Good News.....

just like the blown dandelion seeds spread......

The devotional entry quoted Psalm 78:4

Dandelions are meant to scatter their seeds.

To produce more.

But first they must take root.

These roots are what so many people try to get rid of.

But I no longer do because they remind me of a spiritual lesson:

We need to be rooted in the Word so that we can give an answer to the world.  The world is looking for the Peace that passes understanding and the answer is in the Gospel of Salvation!  Our job as Believers is to be so firmly rooted in God's Word so that we can then go and make more and better disciples.  In fact, the church we are members of has that phrase as one of our mission statements.  And it is one of the things that Jesus imparted to his disciples before leaving this earth.

Scatter the seeds......

.someone else will plant them.....

someone else will water  them........

someone will gather them and reap the blessings they bring.........

and then it begins again......the Wind of the Holy Spirit will come along and blow New Life into souls.............

.........like the wind blows the dandelion seeds....scattering them.......

...........to be planted again.

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