"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

13 March 2020

Mid-March Faves

Well here it is about half way through March already!  I actually love that I've been busy because the days are flying by and soon it will be Spring!

Sadly, our youngest daughter will not be coming  home today for her week long Spring Break from the university.  Because we live in NYS and we have more than 100 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus, UNH has stated that she would have to be self-quarantined for 14 days.  So she chose to stay there with a friend who has an apartment in town  because she refuses to stay inside for 2 weeks!  Then the university sent word out that Spring break will still be same dates, but instead of classes being face to face, they have to do their classes online.  So she'll just stay out there I guess.  They can move back onto campus on April 5th.  Sadly also, the huge Dance Company show slated to run April 2-5 has been cancelled.  I feel so bad for the ballet and aerialists.  They've worked so hard.  So we have had to cancel our hotel reservation as well. Please keep all of this nation in prayer.  We sorely need it, don't we?

But.....there are still blessings so let's count our blessings today and find FIVE of them that we would call "Faves".  Things that made you have an extra smile, or that meant something to you in a special way.  We have many things to be grateful for each day but I love sharing FIVE from the week with other like-minded people.  We then link up at Susanne's site to read what others have been blessed with.  If you're reading this, I'd love it if you left a comment about what you're thankful for!


  • DINNER OUT!  Last Friday evening, my spiritual mentor and I were finally free on the same evening.  We met at our fave local diner (because the hostess knows us and the waitresses don't mind when we gab for a couple hours) for an early dinner.  Monica has been a very dear friend for many years (her son and my oldest were in the same Kindermusik class way back in 1996!).   She's been a part of my small group in the past, and is one of the most effective intercessors I know.  In fact, we often pray together over the phone and try to get together every few months. The other cool thing is that my other BFF was there with her hubby and she came over to the table to chat with us a few minutes.  It had been a couple of years since she'd seen Monica as M goes to the site church the next town north of us.  I'm so thankful for our unity in Christ and our friendship.
main trail

look at that blue sky!

an interesting piece of trail
thankful for the steps as it was steep!

7 March 2020
the start of the trail at 100 Acres Woods
  • HIKING DATE!  Dave totally shocked me last Saturday by saying he would hike with me in a new-to-us trail system.  It's actually a rather new trail the town put together about 20 minutes north from us....just outside Saratoga!  There are 6 interconnected trails and we hiked them all (2.3 miles) minus  the last .3 miles (as it was closed...so the total miles in this system is only 2.6 miles).  What a gem of an area.  It borders on a complex called Luther Forest (which includes a tech company).  It's for bikers, hikers, walkers or runners.  It was in pristine condition and we were the only people on the trail hiking although there was another car there.  It was cold enough for hats due to the wind but half way through we needed to remove the scarves.  It warmed up a bit.  I'm so thankful we took this hike.  I posted many photos on FB but these were my faves.

    in my front flower garden
  • GREEN!!  On Sunday I noticed some green shoots springing up.  These will be tulips eventually.  It's so exciting to see the grass beginning to turn green and the crocuses and tulips are starting to shoot up.  I'm so thankful for the warmer temps and sunshine we've had almost every day this week.  Sunday and Monday  was so warm we didn't need coats!
Monday evening from our deck
  • FULL MOON!  The full moon last weekend and into Monday was just amazing wasn't it?  I'm so in awe of God's creation and so thankful for it.

  • NEW TEA!  I much prefer coffee but in the late afternoons or evenings, especially as I'm continuing to fight this sinus issue which has turned into an annoying cough, this new tea has made me smile.  It really has.  It's just like a Peach Bellini cocktail minus the alcohol! There are bits of mango and pineapple in the tea bag and it's heavenly.  I left work early yesterday and had a huge mug of it and I'm taking a sick day today to see a doctor and will look forward to having this later on.  So thankful I discovered it.
That wraps up my faves.

Let's keep praying for the thousands of people affected by this coronavirus....students, colleges, cancelled events, the ill, the health care professionals, government leaders, etc.  

Have a good weekend!


Gattina said...

Finished with going to restaurants, since today Belgium is in Corona Virus instructions, which means no restaurants, no bars everything closed, no shows, no cinemas, no church services, no gatherings, no sport clubs no schools no university (or per internet) Shops are all closed too except food supermarkets. People rushed this morning to buy as much as they could which is ridiculous because they could buy next week too. A blogfriend from Maryland wrote that she was looking for toilet paper in 3 supermarkets ! all sold out ! I don't know how it is in your State.

Faith said...

People are acting just as crazy or more so here in NYS too. Ridiculous. For God's sake it's a VIRUS? Follow the CDC guidelines and all will be ok. Combined with prayer of course.

Jerralea said...

That new hiking trail sounds so nice! Glad you were able to enjoy it.

I always learn about interesting teas from the FridaysFaveFive community!

Stay well, my friend!

Wendy said...

I'm glad you found some things to be thankful for despite your disappointments. Hope you can get over the sinus problem too.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. This COVID 19 thing has made for a weird and unsettling week for sure. That hiking trail looks great. I also love that you were able to get together with friends for dinner. I know you are so disappointment about not seeing your daughter over spring break and her performance. Hopefully you have a good weekend and can facetime with your daughter. Our church is cancelled this week, so after our "at home service" I am going to check in with your church's website to see if there is a sermon or service I can watch. :-)

Susanne said...

The hiking trail looks lovely. How nice that you were finally able to coordinate that dinner. A friend like that is a real blessing. That's too bad about Claire not being able to be home. So far there are no cases in Southern Alberta of COVID 19. You wouldn't know it though by the empty shelves at grocery stores. That tea sounds delicious.

Barbara Harper said...

I'm sorry about Claire not coming home and the dance show being canceled. So may things are being canceled, I am wondering how this will affect the economy. But hopefully these measures will help stop the spread.

Glad you had a great time of fellowship over dinner. That blue sky looks so nice--we've had rain or overcast skies, with more in the forecast next week. So looking forward to spring. We have some green things coming up, too--so lovely and uplifting.

You mentioned Pi Day on my blog--yes, we have celebrated that too for years. Nice excuse to have pie and a fun, silly time to celebrate.

Willow said...

Go do that trail again this week :) and get out of the house a bit.

Your week of fellowship sounds wonderful.

This year, I am celebrating Pi Day on my birthday since it was the easiest goodie to buy quickly for my birthday.

Hurray for green!