"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

03 April 2020

April Faves

So hard to believe we are in the month of April.

And very hard to wrap my brain around the fact that we just ended Week 2 here in eastern NY of the Pandemic Quarantine. It's been a LONG 2 weeks.

There's always blessings to look for though....and today I'm sharing FIVE of my FAVES from this past week.  I do this with other people who like to be intentional about being thankful and we link up Susanne's site.  How about joining in?


Purple Crocus

Blue "Star" flower
  • SPRING BLOOMS!  This week a couple of my spring blooms popped up.  A bunny ate most of the crocus bulbs I had planted a couple years ago and never replaced.  I was actually surprised to see the purple one open up under one of the cherry trees in our front yard.  It was a nice surprise as was the appearance of the light blue flower that my daughters called "Star" flowers years ago.  They come up every spring and although they don't last long, they are so pretty and delicate.  This one above is in the front flower bed under our living room windows.  I'm thankful for the spots of spring color!
Social Emotional Booklets
  • PLANS! Our agency had a meeting (all 4 sites!) over the phone on Monday when we were told that the State Ed Dept has deemed us essential and that all Assistant Teachers are required to work 5 hours a day and head teachers must put in 6.  Yes, this is a pay cut but I'm thankful we are allowed to go into the classroom (maintaining social distancing guidelines) and set up videos for the preschoolers to watch at home of us doing our language and science lessons, etc.  I made a video of the weather routine we do each morning and I'm in the midst of getting learning kits together for every student.  Please keep me in prayer as I will be delivering those kits to the families next week which involves driving all over 2 different counties. Pictured above is the booklet I made for each student to go with the main theme book that the head teacher read this week via Google Classroom.  It's a book that deals with social emotional development and I'm sure the children are dealing with all kinds of emotions about not going to  our beloved school.  I'm so thankful for a good team and I'm super grateful not to be the head teacher during this pandemic because the added documentation and required paperwork is just ridiculous.  I myself have to keep some documentation but not on the scale that  the heads do.  I'm just so thankful for a great team that communicates well and works together well.

Pizza and Drinks night
  • COOKING TOGETHER:  Dave and I rarely cook together but last weekend we made homemade pizza (Veggie) for a late evening dinner.  We really enjoyed it and the addition of an iced cold Rum and Coke was the perfect way to end the crazy work from home week. I'm thankful for fresh veggies and frozen pizza dough!

  • SAFE!  Dave left very early Sunday morning for NH and helped Claire move out all the big stuff from her dorm room.   Her car was already loaded as she woke up early that day, said good-bye to her apartment mates and got right over to campus.  One of her friends did help her move some stuff to the dorm elevator so Dave just had to be by the entrance and maintain the social distancing guidelines.  They both arrived back here in NY later that day and it was wonderful to give her a huge hug.  She's mostly unpacked and I'm so thankful we were able to create a space for her online Pointe class.  I'm also thankful they had a safe trip.

  • EASTER DECOR:  I've been diligent about reading through the devotional and commenting on an online Bible study group I'm a part of for Lent, but I was neglecting the home decor until this past week.  Thursday afternoon I had some time so I began to get out my Easter and Resurrection decor.  It's important to maintain an order of normalcy during this weird isolation time and just getting out my ceramic bunny, and a couple little nests with eggs in them made me smile.  I'm thankful for Spring and Easter. (I didn't get any pics of my decorating though)
That wraps up my fave blessings from the week.

I hope you all have a chance to get outside in the fresh Spring air and move your bodies.

I also hope wherever your church is located, that you can hop online and participate in the Palm Sunday service.  Hard to believe it's Palm Sunday this weekend!  It came up fast!!



Wendy said...

We're coming to the end of our second week too. I think we have many more weeks to go. But yes there are always things to be thankful for. I'm glad you got Claire home safely. We message our kids regularly but nothing beats an actual hug. Stay well.

R's Rue said...


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. I was late getting my Faves post up this week. Sounds like things are going as well as can be expected under the circumstances. I know that you are so relieved to have your daughter home again and the whole family reunited. I hope things go well with your job and all your travels. You have my prayers. Prayers also that you and your family stay safe and well. Virtual hugs from UT!

Susanne said...

Look at those lovely spring blooms. We had snow flurries yet again this afternoon though we did get in a really nice walk in some sunshine before it blew in. So glad you're family is all reunited and safe at home. I'm sure the your students and their parents/caregivers are grateful you and your colleagues are putting in so much work. The pizza looks delicious! I have not even thought about Easter decor.

Susan said...

I have a geranium and some type of desert flower that bloomed with purple flowers and they are lovely like yours is. It is so nice this is happening in Spring and not fall or winter. It is hard enough to try not to have the blues but with flowers to love it makes things nicer.

Paula said...

We just finished week 3 at home. I’m thankful for signs of springtime as well. Stay safe and have a blessed weekend.

Karen said...

Pizza and rum&coke night sounds like fun. It's nice that this has given us all an opportunity to share things we wouldn't normally do. Glad you daughter arrived home safely. Good luck with the teaching!

Barbara Harper said...

We're seeing some spring blooms, too--they lighten my spirit so much. I almost didn't decorate for spring and Easter, since my son, d-i-l, and grandson wouldn't be coming over. But I decided it was needed and would boost my spirits, low with the disappointments involved with social distancing. Our oldest son had to cancel his April trip here, and we won't be getting together with my local son's family for Easter and my grandson's birthday just to be safe. I'm glad we have the means to connect by video, but it's all still disappointing.

I'm glad you'll be able to connect with students. I'm sure they are probably having a harder time than most adjusting to the disruption of normal schedule.

Glad Claire got safely home! Homemade pizza sounds good.