"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

10 April 2020


So here we are at Good Friday.......and still in quarantine mode.  It will be my first time since birth 60 years ago, other than 2010 when we were getting off the plane in Paris on Easter Sunday morning, that I haven't been in a church for Easter. But I'm thankful we have an online community of Believers and our church is offering 5 different viewing times. Blessings still abound here in Week 3 of Quarantine....

Let's share FIVE of them and then link up at Susanne's site who hosts this each week for those of us who want to be intentional about giving thanks.


  • ROAD TRIP:  Claire and I drove Saturday morning to my youngest sister's home about 45 minutes north of us to deliver a mini fridge to my niece who will be going off to college in 2 years.  My girls are done with it as next year Claire plans on living in an on-campus apartment for seniors and the kitchen is fully loaded! It was fun for us to see and chat with Jill and her husband Mike and my 2 nieces Emma and Mady.  It would have been Emma's junior prom that evening so I'm glad we at least got to see her to help make her day special. We all stood between 6-10 feet apart in their driveway and it was sunny and 64 degrees F.  I'm so thankful we had that little road trip!

  • PALM SUNDAY!  Palm Sunday was so strange this year but so special.  It was strange because we watched the service online as it had been pre-recorded during the week with the worship ministry team and our senior pastor.  The message was great but the thing that made me smile was that during one of the songs, Dave got up and went to the kitchen to prepare wafers for us out of a tortilla wrap for the "body" and poured grape juice into shot glasses for the "blood". We partake with everyone else watching online and it was very special to me.  I'm so thankful my husband thought of this and remembered that it was Communion Sunday as well as Palm Sunday.  For Palms, I simply snipped off two stalks from my spider plant and taped them to our front door for the day.  I'm thankful for this time to make new memories.
  • TULIPS!  All of my crocuses are up and blooming in the afternoon sun and Monday I discovered that my tulips were pushed through and getting taller!  Soon they will probably open...I'm hoping by Sunday!  Tulips remind me of Spring, new life, and Easter.  They've always been one of my favorite flowers.  I'm thankful I have tulips in my front flower bed.

  • DELIVERIES! On Tuesday, I got the ok to deliver 9 out of our 13 Learning Kits.  Two had to be mailed and 2 were pick-ups. I actually got to see 7 out of the 9 children and oh how much fun that was!!  All of the moms (and one dad) were so appreciative that I put together these kits to go along with the Google Classroom videos that the head teacher and other TA have been posting/editing.  Of course I'd rather be teaching at school but just seeing their little faces from a safe distance was something I was so grateful for.  There's nothing like the special education preK field. We are all one big family, really and I'm even more thankful for that!

Coffee break
  • OUTDOORS!  This week there were several days (Sat-Wed) where the weather was sunny, in low 60s and just bursting with Spring that I sat outside in the late afternoon after work, reading and having coffee or iced water or herbal tea.  Wednesday was chillier so I made a steaming mug of cinnamon hazelnut coffee and took my library book outdoors wearing a sweatshirt.  The sun felt great and it was a nice way to unwind from work and I'm very thankful for time in nature.
That wraps up the week.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior Redeemer!!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate Palm Sunday as you did. I was missing church worship. Palm Sunday is my favourite day to be in church. It must have been nice to see your sister and some of your students. I think it’s important to be able to see our friends and family even from a safe distance. It keeps our hearts encouraged.

Wendy said...

Sounds like you made the best of the week despite the circumstances. Happy Easter!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. It will be weird, and kind of sad to not be able to attend church on Easter, but God knows and can still be with us as we remember Jesus and his sacrifice, atonement and resurrection. So glad you were able to make that road trip. Wow, time flies! How is it possible that your daughter is going to be a senior next year?! Nice of you to share her little fridge your niece. That is great that you were able to partake of communion on Psalm Sunday. In our church, we call communion the Sacrament and my husband has been preparing it for us each week as we worship at home on Sunday morning. Making deliveries to your students and helping them during a difficult time is wonderful. So glad you can keep working. You and yours have a wonderful Easter Weekend!

Susanne said...

Easter will definitely be different this year. We have been doing online services also. The road trip sounds fun and I'm sure that fridge was a huge blessing. I feel for all the grads of 2020 who were not able to celebrate all their hard work of their school careers. I can't believe Claire will be in her last year. Where has the time gone? Happy Easter to you and your family!

Barbara Harper said...

I'm late visiting, and here it is almost Friday again. I'm glad you were able to have that little road trip. We've had some distanced visits with our son's family, too. I'm glad you got to see so many of your students, too. We had some really nice days, but then it turned cold again. But it's back and forth like that in spring. I love seeing tulips this time of year.