Needing to breathe. To just be. In the moment.
It's no coincidence that God led me to an online devotional study titled The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.
Meditating on the Word this morning...brings me to these thoughts....
Jesus was busy. But He never hurried. He performed miracles even in the midst of a crowd and even when one woman barely touched Him. Matthew 9:18-22)
I'm busy. And oh how often I hurry. Are you like that?
Today I'm pausing. Choosing to use personal time from this new hectic- often- frenetic pace of teaching remotely and gathering learning materials for the special preschoolers. Minds working over-time, bodies fatigued from running around, soul feeling crushed.
But God wins! Satan would love to have us wallow in our busyness and "hurry up" attitude. WHY? It keeps us from communing.....dwelling...with our Savior.
Dwell.....which means linger.....or "keep attention directed" on Psalm 46:10
When we dwell in the Presence of God, we will know Him. We will have conversation with Him. He will direct our steps and guide us to what He wants us to do. or not do.
The Secret Place.....
.........abiding...dwelling under His shadow....the Almighty God who brings refreshment for our souls.....
.......staying....or the Scriptures, brings us closer to our Lord. We know Him intimately when we spend time with Him.
Hide the word in our hearts, Lord.......
.....that we may not sin......
....drinking of the Living Water (Jesus!)...........
Jeremiah talks about how God said the Israelites didn't embrace what God had to offer them (Living Water)....that was their first sin.....and the "hewing of cisterns" is the earthly works....we can go right to Jesus...our Living Water...for refreshing our soul. It's like a fountain of clear, pure water poured into us. Cisterns only hold a certain amount of water and when broken, there goes the water! Jesus fills us with His living cleanse us, refresh us, and revive us.
Dwelling in His Word, in His Presence....
Another Scripture brought to my mind is from John 15. verse 4:
"Abide (dwell) in Me, and I in you....he who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me, you can do nothing."
The to do list??
Put it aside. We can't do much without being filled up with His strength.
Let's hide under the shadow of His wings.....the Almighty God who gives us Living Water to drink.....
pause....and practice the presence of God.........
Love this, Faith. I did an in-depth, verse by verse study of Psalm 91 a couple of weeks ago and just let God speak to me thru each verse. It was amazing, how He showed me things because I took the time to slow down and just quiet myself before Him. Are you able to link this online study?
I have been thinking about an online bible study. I think I will look into this one.
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