I've been reading through Jeremiah the last several weeks.
One of my New Year goals is to read through all the major prophets this year. I started with Jeremiah because I've never studied it deeply although I've read through it in the past due to a chronological Bible I had. I've not made much progress because I tend to also read devotional books or participate in online devos with groups of friends. But this morning, I didn't need to rush to work so I took my time in chapters 16-18.
This Scripture stood out:
"For My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face, nor is their iniquity hidden from My eyes." ~Jeremiah 16:17~
yikes. He sees all. He sees every.single.thing.we.do. Every eye roll. Every shake of the head. Every action. And we definitely can't hide our sin (iniquity) from Him.
Are we living out loud? Are we living in such a way that when we sin we take it directly to God the Father who can cleanse us and renew us? Or are we trying to hide things from Him? (it doesn't work by the way...I should know....)
I kept reading and then came to the section of Scripture in chapter 17 that talks about how we are blessed when we trust in God.....when our HOPE is in Him.
I don't know about you, but I've struggled with hope during this pandemic.
But God points me back every time to the Truth....that HE is hope. That He IS giving me hope...and that my future is in His hands.......
We don't have to fret and fuss about the pandemic politics....
We don't have to worry about the economy or the re-opening or the quarantine or the crazy new work hours, or even the virus itself. Why? Because if we've placed our trust in Him...He is there with us. He gives us the strength and hope for each new day. When my attitude is slipping into a sinful area, I can give him that attitude and leave it with Him, confessing that sin, and be delivered by His healing hand.
The chapter goes on and includes Jeremiah's prayer for deliverance (v.14-18)
I like this:
"You are my Hope in the day of doom....."
When we trust the Lord......fully trust Him....He delivers us from discouragement and gives us Hope.
A Living Hope...found only in Christ....our Deliverer!
And trusting in Him....hoping in Him.....helps us to thrive............
Yikes! Every single thing. Hope is the one thing I have not struggled with. I have grown stronger in my faith that I live with Christ and I do not have to be blown around by every political wind. This pandemic shall pass and the Lord’s will be done. That is not to say that I have no concern for the health of my loved ones or that I don’t care about those who are suffering. I do care very much.
I have struggled with sharpness of tongue and boredom and being snappish with my husband and my mum at times. I seem to have a bad day every few weeks. I hope you are well and safe and that your family is as well.
Yes, it is sobering to be reminded that He see every single thing even the things we try to hide or think we get away with. I am so thankful for His grace and mercy! And thanks for the reminder that HE is our hope. We're all running around searching for hope: hope that they'll get a vaccine rolled out, hope that they'll open up or not open up, hope that we'll be back to what we perceived as normal, etc., etc. But in reality we need to look upon Him and trust Him in the midst of this pandemic.
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