"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

10 April 2021

2021 Book Review #12: How Happiness Happens


I just finished reading this non-fiction Christian book that I began in September.
I facilitated/led a book group vs a traditional Bible study this school year mainly because I wanted something easier to prepare and also because of Covid19 ....a smaller group in my home and hardly any writing work.  This book fit what I desired.  It's a Max Lucado book and he's one of my very fave faith-based authors.  His writing is like poetry and his wisdom is phenomenal. The book group read 1 chapter every other week and we would come together to discuss some of the reflection questions for that particular chapter.


Max uses alliteration to title his book but the word "happiness" really is in place of "joy".  Happiness and joy are two different things as most Christ-followers know.  We can be sad or upset about something (like a death or a sickness) but still have "the joy of the Lord".  That's really what this book is about...how to find and keep that lasting joy.

There are 12 Chapters:  
  1. The Unexpected Door to Joy
  2. Gimme Five, Rocky
  3. Don't Pet the Peeves (one of my faves!)
  4. The Sweet Sound of a Second Fiddle
  5. The Fine Art of Saying "hello" 
  6. The Power Posture (another fave of mine)
  7. It's Your Serve
  8. Discomfort Zones (a fave!)
  9. Speak Up (an important one!)
  10. You've Been Bustered
  11. Be Loved, Then Love
  12. The Next Step:  The Happiness Challenge
There is also a section in the back "Questions for Reflection" with between 8-12 questions per chapter for discussing in a group.  For my group, I had the ladies journal most of the questions and then share as they were comfortable doing so.

There's also a Notes section with the books he's quoted, or taken anecdotes from, etc

This book is excellent and easy to read.

I liked this  description from the back of the book:

"...What if there is a different, unexpected path to happiness? One that requires no credit card, monthly mortgage or stroke of fortune.  One in which age, looks, and ethnicity aren't factors. What if the road to joy is less about getting and more about giving?" 

And then this:

"if you want to know more about life altering, uplifting, heart stabilizing, peace-producing joy, read on.  In this book you will discover a way of life----backed by Jesus' teaching and modern research---that produces a happiness that lasts, a reliable joy that endures through any season". 

In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 14 and older.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this a 10.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith! I bought that book several months ago when you said you were reading it. I have it on my "to read" shelf but haven't started it yet. Thanks for the review. I finished The Vanishing Half today so will be looking to read something else soon. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! See you again soon!

Faith said...

This book makes a great small group Bible study choice or a book club choice! My club loved it.

The Vanishing Half was good but I've read two other ones since then that i actually liked better! It was an important topic though.

Blue Cotton Memory said...

I am a Max Lucado fan, especially of his children's books! It sounds like it would be a good gift - or even a stocking stuffer!

Unknown said...

I like doing Max Lucado book studies. The questions at the back always facilitate such great conversations.