"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 April 2021



 Friday of an amazing Spring Break week! 

I'm sharing FIVE of my FAVE blessings from the past week along with other bloggers at Susanne's site.....it's a way of looking for the positive things in our busy lives.  It's a practical way of saying "Thank You, God for these blessings!"

  • SOLO HIKE: Last Saturday was cool but so sunny and spring-like. Dave had some stuff he wanted to do around the house so I went out to the central part of the state to a site I had been wanting to see.  You can read about it here.  It's an historic site dating back to the 1660's! I'm thankful I had this time and place to my self! Here's a photo and there's more in the link highlighted above.

wise words

  • EASTER!  Our youngest daughter called us after church and it was awesome to talk to her.  I miss her so!  And since our oldest daughter still lives at home, she attended the 10 a.m. service with me as Dave was working production for all 3 services.  The church had the most people since before Covid and it was just awesome!  I love Easter because we serve the only LIVING God....and Jesus is coming back one day to redeem His Kingdom, amen?! I'm so thankful for the Resurrection and a great day!
Courtney, me, Dave
photo courtesy of Grace Fellowship/Latham Church
Easter Sunday 2021

  • SPRING CLEANING! I was able to do some spring cleaning this week.  The bathrooms and family room are thoroughly done with the family room and living room back to our spring-early autumn arrangement.  I also gave the kitchen a good cleaning including the fridge/freezer and drawers/cupboards.  I  also washed the deck furniture, and deck, and repotted a small plant to bring to work for the students to watch grow.  I cleaned up a little bit in the flower beds although the bulk of that will get done in May. I'm thankful it's been a great week of warm weather so I could have windows open most of the day and the heat off!
family room

family room

family room

  • ROAD TRIP!  Tuesday, my oldest decided to use one of her vacation days and go with me to my childhood hometown area to place some flowers between my parents' graves.  It was such a poignant and  beautiful Spring day.  I took her to the park where I used to ride my bike to ,and hike along the brook, from about ages 10-14.  She couldn't believe we used to do that!  It's quite a ways from the house where I grew up. I told her we were all over the village with our bikes when I was a child. Then we met my sister Hope in another town for lunch and antiquing and then Courtney and I headed to a remote southern Adirondack village to find a human to sign my Adirondack 102 Challenge book.  We were in luck!  I found a town resident raking his leaves on the side of the road.  Keep in mind there are more deer and trees in the town of Norway and Ohio than people. The we took the route through the eastern edge of the southern Adirondacks back towards the interstate and home singing along to Taylor Swift. I'm so thankful we had a fun road trip day!  Here are a few pics of our trip:

Brookwood Park, Herkimer 
Mohawk Valley, NYS

Courtney walking along the brook just like I used to do as a kid

small falls on Brookwood 

farmland with wind power in town of Fairfield
Central NYS

  • CHASING WATERFALLS!  Yesterday, my good friend Diane F and I left my home about 9:30 to get to the eastern Adirondacks to a spot about an hour and 20 minutes north of me.  I was trying to find a certain group of waterfalls for the 50 Falls Challenge. First we had to park the car along route 9N between Bolton Landing and Hague.   These 2 towns are right on Lake George.  The falls I was searching for are called Northwest Bay Brook Falls.  Here they are after a .3 mile bushwhack up a very steep cliff and then there was no way to get down to the base so we just shot some photos from the top of the cliff.  The conditions in the woods were dry (no more snow or ice in the eastern mountains) so that was a plus. 
Northwest Bay Brook Falls
town of Bolton
eastern ADKS
8 April 2021

the easy part of the bushwhack

Northwest Bay Brook from the edge at bottom of cliffs
small falls are to the left and the upper falls (1st photo)
 are higher up to the left.....cannot be seen from this spot thus the climb!
After we explored a bit of the brook on both sides, we walked back up the road to the car and drove north to this village.  When the girls were little, we took them to the Fort (Revolutionary War re-enactments, etc). I've been through the historic tour at the Fort 3 times (once as a pre-teen with my parents and sisters, once with Dave and his parents when we were camping up there, and once with our daughters) so we didn't stop at the fort today (plus it's closed until May due to Covid).  First, we had lunch in a little 1950s style diner. Then we hiked the River Walk so I could check off 2 more waterfalls from the challenge list.  Here are the falls:
Upper La Chute Falls
on the La Chute River
north-eastern Adirondack mountains

Falls of Carillon
La Chute River Park
8 April 2021
After we hiked the 2 miles River Walk, we headed over to the Town Hall so I could get my Adirondacks 102 Challenge book stamped!  What a fun day we had in the eastern Adirondacks and I am so thankful there was no snow and the temps were in the high 60s up there!!

So those were the highlights of my Spring Break week.
Today involves errands and housework and maybe some more spring cleaning and then a date night with my husband tonight.  Not sure yet what we are doing this weekend other than church, but I'm thankful we have had a beautiful week of good weather!



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. What a nice spring break! I love the pictures from your hikes and your road trip. That is such a cute picture of your family on Easter! I love your family room. It looks so homey. Enjoy today and the weekend. See you again soon.

Ingrid said...

Your start into spring was certainly nice despite the restrictions ! We had snow after summer ! Now it's cold.

Barbara Harper said...

Sounds like a great spring break! Glad you got some hiking and traveling and spring cleaning done.

Willow said...

So many hikes during your spring break! Good for you. I'm glad your girl could join you one day.
Easter Sunday here was wonderful, too, and we had so many people in church. It was great.
Have a good weekend!

Wendy said...

Sounds like you've had a great spring break - necessary chores done in between nice road trips and hikes. Enjoy the rest of the weekend before returning to work.

Susanne said...

I thought I had commented on this post, but apparently not. Glad I rechecked. What a lovely week. You got some chores done as well as had some lovely "personal" time. How nice that Courtney was able to join you for your trip to your hometown. I miss all my kids who live away and always love a phone call from them.