"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

23 April 2021



It's Friday and time to find FIVE of my FAVE blessings from the week.  It's been a super busy week...I honestly cannot believe  it's the weekend already! I'm joining other like-minded bloggers over at Susanne's site for this activity.  My faves are from some very special blessings.....

  • UNH DANCE COMPANY SHOW!  Last Friday evening, Dave and I had e-tickets to watch the recorded production of the Spring Show performed by the UNH Dance Company.  First the aerialist, tap and jazz dancers performed a variety of modern dances to some current music.  Then the 2nd half was the Ballet Company that our youngest daughter Claire is in.  Blogger won't let me upload the videos of Claire's performance as they are too long.  She danced in a pas de deux plus a 3rd ballerina came on to the dance "Jewels" from the classic ballet Sleeping Beauty.  It was exquisite.  Then there was a modern group ballet titled "Finding Light".  Both were excellent and we are so thankful we got to see her dance even though it wasn't "in person in NH". (if you are friends with me on Facebook, you will be able to watch the dances).

  • GOOD REPORTS:  Dave had his cardiology appointment on Monday and his annual blood work.  (yes, he is required unfortunately to be on a statin because of having a heart attack).  All of his blood work looked good although he does need to be more active physically.  He is going to work on that.  I'm thankful he had a pretty good report! Also, Claire thought she had strep over the weekend and had a culture done at the university health center. She didn't have strep and was able to get the first dose of the Phizer vaccine on Monday!  I'm thankful she is ok as they are starting to head into final research papers and exams.  I'm also thankful Dave is starting to take his health a little more seriously. 

  • PEAR TREE BLOOMS!  Our pear tree that Claire bought me for Mother's Day about 6 or 7 years ago has really taken off.  It's so tall now and the blossoms are beautiful although I do not like the scent!!  (they actually stink!!) The tree has been so pretty to look at on a sunny afternoon before dinner. I'm thankful for Spring.

  • ADMINISTRATORS APPRECIATION DAY! Courtney is the administrative office manager for The Carroll's Corporation in a town just to the north of us.  She was sent this beautiful bouquet of flowers from her boss on Wednesday which was Administrators Appreciation Day.  They're gorgeous and she said she had no room for them in her room so they are on our antique side cabinet in the dining room.  She also said she wanted to climb our big maple tree since it was too small when she was younger so she went out Saturday and fooled around a bit. I snapped this photo of her. I guess you're never too old to climb a tree! I'm thankful she has a good job and a kind boss. and that we get to enjoy the bouquet too!!
Beautiful Bouquet!

  • BIG NEWS!!  This is about Claire again:  She was informed that she was one of 98 students from COLA (College of Liberal Arts at UNH) to get an invite to join Phi Beta Kappa, the country's most prestigious academic honor society. UNH, out of 6500 juniors and seniors, chose the top 150 students to join PBK based on their excellence in arts and sciences.  We are thankful she did so well with her major and 3 minors. She is also a member now of Alpha Kappa Delta the International Honor Society for Sociologists and also a member of Alpha Phi Omega, the service organization with which she worked at Waysmeet the community/university food pantry serving the disadvantaged on the coast of NH.   We are so thankful for these honors.

That wraps up our exciting but busy week.

I hope you have some relaxing things planned for the weekend.   Tomorrow, I'm off to hike a High Peak in the Catkskills of NY about 2 hours south of where I live with my friend Gerri.  We are hoping to get to the summit at 3700+ feet!  I've climbed it before in 2013 but I was a lot younger then!! Wish us luck!



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith,
I hope you have a great climb tomorrow! It sounds like fun! I love all of your faves this week. Your daughters are great. That pear tree in the backyard is beautiful, as are the flowers that Courtney is sharing with the family. So glad Dave had a good report from the doctor. Have a great weekend. See you again soon!

Wendy said...

Well done to Claire and glad you got to see her performance. Lucky you to get Courtney's flowers and her for being appreciated. Good that Dave's health report was good but also spurring him on to do more exercise. Hope the hike goes well and you have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

You were lucky to watcha show. We are still in lockdown should be a bit better mid May ! Until there it's only TV !

Susanne said...

Congratulations to Claire for all her hard work being honored. I'm glad they put on the show the way they did for the parents. Not quite the same but so much better than nothing. Lovely flowers appreciating Courtney's hard work too. And may I just say that I am definitely too old to climb a tree! LOL. Glad Dave had a good report and that he is motivated now to do some more physically. I need to get back to it too. I have struggled since the gym closed down. The pear tree is gorgeous, though I have to say I don't think I have ever smelled one in bloom.

Willow said...

Congratulations to Clare! She has really starred in college.
I love that photo of Courtney in the tree. One of my adult girls still climbs trees and rocks and anything she can. I love their spirit of adventure.
I saw those flowers on your face book post--congrats to Courtney for work well done!

Barbara Harper said...

That's so neat you got to watch the dance company show via e-ticket! And congratulations to Claire's Phi Beta Kappa invite! Yay for good health reports. It's nice that you can enjoy Courtney's bouquet.

You mentioned on your comment on my blog not wanting an air fryer because you don't fry things. The nice thing about the air fryer is it doesn't use but a drizzle of oil or a light spray of Pam, if that, so it's much healthier than pan frying. Baked goods can be done in it, too. The roasted broccoli only took a few minutes in the air fryer, and the pork chops only 9 minutes--much less time than the oven. I'm looking forward to exploring other things with it.

Faith said...

Barbara thanks for explaining about an air fryer! I don't know anyone who has one but they sound WAY better than what I thought I were!! I'd love to try broccoli or cauliflower in it!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my that was a busy week. Congratulations to your daughter! Very exciting. She must be a very smart and hard worker. Perhaps your husband could take some hikes with you? My husband is on all sorts of heart medications also. He has Ankylosing Spondylitis which is a type of rheumatoid arthritis and prevents him from doing a whole lot of exercise but it is nice when we can walk together.