"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

14 May 2021

Faves for May

God brings us so many blessings every single day.  If nothing exciting is happening, or nothing special...you're just going to work or taking care of your family every day, then think of some practical things we don't usually count as "blessings".  Things like "breath for one more day", hugs, sunshine, patience, or any of the fruits of the Spirit, prayer, Scriptures.  My week wasn't super exciting.  I taught the special needs preschoolers this week but I also had housework, errands, ministry duties...you know....life as a working woman.....but....there are ALWAYS things to be thankful for and I'm here to share FIVE of those blessings. There's nothing exciting but they're special to me.  I'm joining other bloggers as well over at our host's site, Living To Tell the Story. 

very icky trail at Ballston Creek Preserve
Saratoga County, NY

Courtney leads the way

we loved this tree along the trail!

  • MOTHERS DAY!  My Mother's Day was nothing super exciting but everything was special to me:  my husband made me breakfast, we went to the 11 am church service, and then ordered from the new Thai restaurant in town.  I had the veggie Pad Thai with extra peanut sauce and it was absolutely perfect. Then my oldest girl Courtney said she'd walk a new-to-us trail in a nature preserve a couple of towns to the north of us.  It was disappointing as hikes  go (too short....only 1 mile, and the trail was in rough shape) but we still had fun even as grey clouds rolled in.  She bought me a coffee at Starbucks and then when we got home my youngest girl, Claire called me and we chatted for about a half hour.  It was a very nice day and I'm so thankful God brought me these 2 girls into my life ...pregnancy and giving birth seem so long ago at times, and at other times, it seems like just yesterday.  How thankful I am to be a mama!

image courtesy of common sense media website

  • MOVIE NIGHT:  Sunday night was an evening for just having sandwiches and fruit because of the big Thai food meal we all had for Sunday dinner.  While we were snacking, Dave and I watched this movie on Netflix.  It was so well done!!  We loved it.  I'm thankful for quiet evenings at home to wind down the weekend.

  • DECK DONE!  Saturday morning was actually sunny, although a cool wind, so I got out the new deck stain and re-did the floor of the deck.  Then on Monday once I was home from teaching, the teen girl I hired to help with the steps and seats, came over and finished the project.  I then added some finishing touch ups yesterday after work and voila....the deck is finally done!  I couldn't set everything up yet as of this writing, as the stain was still wet. I'm thankful this chore is complete!

Colonie Town Park
at the Mohawk River
12 May

Town of Colonie Park
  • OUTDOOR MEDITATION: Wednesday after work was partly sunny and warmer. I had an errand to run plus a free scoop of ice cream coming to me for Teacher Appreciation Week last week.  I brought the coupon to the ice cream store and chose Chocolate Sea Turtle.  It's a limited edition ice cream and contains chocolate ice cream, sea salt caramel swirl, and chocolate fudge pecans.  It was heavenly. I took it over to the town park and sat in the sun enjoying the treat and reflecting on how fast the years have gone by since the girls left elementary school in 2005 and 2011.  Now the one who left in 2011, is graduating from college a week from tomorrow!  I took a photo of the pavillion area where both girls had their 6th grade picnics after graduation.  6th grade and 12th grade graduation is HUGE in our school district. It is followed by a class picnic. I couldn't go up to where the pavillion is as it's closed due to covid but I could spy it through the trees while I sat and enjoyed the ice cream.  I'm so thankful my girls are finished with those busy days of school, homework, extra curricular activities, violin and orchestra rehearsals, dance rehearsals, musical and choir rehearsals, Russian club, horse riding lessons, ballet lessons, French club, youth group....etc etc.  They were busy!  But oh how I sometimes do miss those days!  I'm thankful for time to meditate, pray for them, and reflect.

  • SURPRISE!  Dave was so funny last evening.  He came downstairs from our bedroom office where he'd been working all day. I had been home for about 2 hours doing various tasks and was just sitting down after chopping veggies to roast, when he appeared with this candy.  He said "Happy Mother's Day, honey".  He had forgotten to give it to me Sunday (he had it hidden in the basement office where I never go) and just today remembered that he had bought some of my fave chocolate. He knows me well....dark chocolate is a FAVE of mine and the darker the better!  I'm thankful for my husband and his surprises.
That wraps up my week. 

I hope you have a relaxing weekend doing the things you love!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith - I LOVE Dark Chocolate too and Lindt is the best kind. I recently got some at Trader Joe's that is pretty good too. You had such a nice Mother's Day. I am so glad. Your deck looks great, and I am going to look for that Movie on NetFlix. Charly and I need a good movie night! Hope you have an amazing weekend!

Karen said...

I am primarily a milk chocolate gal, but in a pinch I will dig into my husband's dark chocolate supply. I just "need" chocolate!

The deck looks great! I'm so eager for warm mornings where I can sit on ours and have morning coffee.

I love seeing your hiking trails that are so lush and shady. Very different from this neck of the woods.

Have a great weekend!

Susanne said...

That ice cream sounds wonderful! My hubby loves the 90% chocolate too. I tried to look that movie up on Canadian Netflix but they don't have it. The deck is looking good. I've got lots of yard work coming my way. Not my favorite chore but so worth it when it's done. Your Mother's Day sounds lovely.

Willow said...

Hey, Mother's Day is every day! So some yummy dark chocolate is totally fine any day of the week.
I just spent 3 hours on yardwork and maybe it looks noticeable? Your deck looks great! (we need to do our daughter's deck this summer; not on my fave list...)
I saw you had your first fire of the season! Yay!

Wendy said...

Your deck looks great and the ice cream sounds yummy. Nice to be able to sit and enjoy it and appreciate the view and reflect. Yep dark chocolate is the best!

Ingrid said...

You are indeed very lucky that your restaurants are open ! Here only the terraces and as it is so cold the owners have not many people. Sometimes I think I live in a dead city, even the traffic has slowed down, maybe due to working home. People are depressed suffer burnout and suicide rate increases !

Barbara Harper said...

Sounds like a lovely Mother's Day. That tree is unusual! I agree, there were fun things about the busier days of motherhood. I'm glad things aren't quite so busy now and we have good relationships with them as young adults, as you do, I know, as well. But I do sometimes miss the little guys mine were.

Nice to have the deck done and someone to help. And chocolate! I love Lindt, though I prefer milk to dark chocolate.