It's the end of September/beginning of October. Wow. Time is flying by in this new school year. We have now been in session with our special preK students for 3 full weeks and are starting our 4th. Crazy how time seems to fly by the older I get!
Let's pause and share FIVE of our FAVE blessings from the last week. Mine are just "little things" that made me smile and say "Thank You, God". I'm linking up at Susanne's site with other thankful bloggers.
Woodstock, Vermont 25 September |
my younger sister Joy, my daughters Claire and Courtney, and me Woodstock's Covered Bridge |
the Ottauquechee River Woodstock, Vt |
fun sculpture at the elementary school in Woodstock |
my daughters loved the alpacas in Quechee! |
an ice cream stand in Quechee, VT that actually sells JUST plant-based/vegan ice cream made with Coconut milk. I had The Cold Brew (coffee flavored) |
- ANNUAL AUTUMN GIRLS DAY AWAY: My sister Joy and I and my two daughters left early Saturday morning for Woodstock and Quechee, Vermont. We were only planning on spending the day in Woodstock but the girls discovered an alpaca farm and general store with an antiques store in the next town north, so after lunch at this place and then more shopping, we drove north (almost to the NH border!) to explore a bit of Quechee. So much fun starting our Xmas shopping, browsing all the little shops, and eating amazing vegan ice cream. What a blessing it is to spend time with both of my daughters (we picked up Courtney from her apt and drove north to where my sister lives near Lake George and then she drove us the almost 2 hours northeast to Woodstock). We have been doing this tradition since Claire started junior high school and Courtney was away at college in 2011. We choose a different spot in MA, Vermont, or NY each year. We are already making plans for next autumn! I'm thankful for time with my sister Joy and both my girls.
breakfast on the deck Sunday morning |
- BREAKFAST OUTSIDE: Sunday morning was crisp and clear. After a time of coffee and my morning Scriptures, I made a quick breakfast and ate it on the deck in the warming sun while Dave took a shower. (he had slept in). It was so nice and peaceful before leaving for church. I'm thankful for sunny, autumn days.
- POWER WALKING! I'm back to being able to power walk again as my back has been doing well for a bit over a week now. My husband decided to join me on Tuesday after work for a brisk walk and it was the perfect early autumn day. Not too hot, a slight breeze and sunshine. We walked for about a half hour and got in 1.6 miles before dinner. I'm thankful for a safe neighborhood to walk in. And power walking is a great work out!
Apple Crisp Iced Macchiato with oat milk |
- SURPRISE TREAT! Claire texted me on Wednesday while I was still at work to ask me when I would be home. I replied and asked why but she never replied back! So.....I pull into the driveway and took my teaching stuff into the house, came back out to trim a bush, and saw her pull into the driveway (She had the day off from Starbucks) She thrust my hiking mug into my hands and said "Happy National Coffee Day. I bought you a treat". (it was an iced Apple Crisp Macchiato and it was better than the first one I had. The first one was made with almond milk. She had her co worker make it with oat milk this time). The first time I had it I asked for just 1 pump of the flavoring. It was ok. This time she had them make it with 2 (it comes with 4 unless you know enough to tell them otherwise). OH MY GOSH. It's amazing. It was great to have this special treat after work. I'm thankful for my girl and yummy coffee treats.
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- WORDS! I work with a particular 4 year old child who is on the Autism Spectrum. I have had to learn alot about working with him by watching another teacher who has a "gift" for teaching these children with special needs. (my gifted area tends to be the language delayed children and the children with social-emotional issues). So I was trying to get him to talk and had to get right down on his level with a certain cause and effect toy. All of a sudden he talked!! It was only 3 words but it was functional and made sense in the context. He also spoke 3 different words when he was at my lunch table later that day. I'm so thankful I get to teach through play-based curriculum and watch them grow and learn.
Those are the five moments/events that really made me smile and say "Thank You, God" this past week. What about you? What are you most thankful for this week?
Have a happy weekend.
Hi Faith. I enjoyed seeing pictures of your girls trip. That sounds like so much fun. So glad you could go. It's so good that you are back to power walking without back pain. As a teacher, you are making such a positive difference in the lives of the children you work with. Good job! Have a great weekend. See you again soon!
What a great tradition to have! Looks like a lot of fun. How sweet of Claire to do that for you! Gotta love National Coffee Day! Starbucks here had a free regular brewed coffee to celebrate. Glad your back pain is easing and you can be out doing what you love. So exciting the words from your little student! I don't eat anything outside at this time of year. Way too many wasps for my liking.
You are an amazing teacher! I'm so impressed with your gift to teach these children.
National Coffee Day--we enjoyed a free cup from that coffee place where your daughter works...
This is the absolute best season for taking walks and hikes and bike rides. Enjoy!
Have a good weekend!
Your girls' outing sounds like a blast! I love seeing all the fall photos. The colors haven't started to turn yet, at least where we live. Hoping we'll see some in the mountains later this week. National Coffee Day should be a mandatory holiday in my book. Here's the hallowed bean! haha!
You certainly have a gift for teaching. How exciting those moments must be when you connect with a student.
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