"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

08 October 2021



I'm so glad it's Friday and that those of us who work outside the home have Monday off here in the USA.  I really need this 3 day weekend!

For now, I'm sharing FIVE of my FAVE moments/things/blessings from the past week.  It was a crazy, busy week but there were many blessings to be found when I sat and reflected back.  I do this with other like-minded bloggers and we link up at Susanne's site.  How about joining in?  If you're a reader, and not a blogger, share one of your blessings in the comment section below!


East Jimmy Creek
 looking down from the higher footpath
Wells, NY
southern Adirondack Mountains

sign of Autumn in the mountains!
2 October 2021

East Jimmy Creek (upper) Falls
for the ADKS 50 Falls Challenge
  • BUSHWHACKING!  Saturday dawned sunny and warm here in our town.  I had already made plans to meet my friend Cheryl B (who drove northeast from the central part of NYS while I drove Northwest to the southern ADKS) in my favorite Adirondack village, Wells.  We were determined to find the ruins of this estate.  Well, that didn't happen. Again. Long story.   So we headed back down the road to where there's another bushwhack hike so I could finally find East Jimmy Creek Falls.  We only had to hike about .2 miles up and in from the road (on an unmarked trail) and I finally saw these falls (pic above) I've hunted for during the last 5 years.  Cheryl had found them a couple years ago and  remembered where to go.  I had   probably driven past the footpath 100 times during my life and never could find the right area.  It was fun and we were the only people there!  I'll write about the estate another time, as we are hoping to finally see them this weekend now that we found the dirt road we have to turn onto. I'm thankful for hiking adventures and fresh, mountain air!

  • MOVIE NIGHT!  Saturday evening, after dinner, Dave asked me if I wanted to watch a Netflix movie with him. I agreed because I was so tired from all the driving to and from the mountains on top of all the exploring.  The one we agreed on was this one based on a true story about the effects of PTSD and WWII. It starts out in 1980 but the main character flashes back.  It's so well done, yet has some very graphic violence in it (at some points neither one of us could watch!!  We shut our eyes because....war....ugh....I'm so against war.....) It was interesting, though, to learn that the effect of PTSD weren't really known or discussed until 1980s. I'm thankful for well-written movies based on facts.  The acting was absolutely superb. Colin Firth was outstanding! 
UNH 2021
Phi Beta Kappa Graduate with Honors

On Pointe!

BS in Sociology with Honors
3 minors:  Russian, Psychology and Ballet, Honors
Phi Beta Kappa
Alpha Phi Omega
Alpha Kappa Delta 

Dancing through life.......on pointe......

  • UNIVERSITY SENIOR PICS!  Claire FINALLY received her Senior Pics from a photo session she had with a former Ballet Company member. There were about 25 pics (all are on my Facebook page if you are interested) but these were the ones that seemed to get the most comments or likes. These just made me smile and say "thanks, God for this kid" She was SO tough at age 4 and 12 but wow...she sure did grow up fast and is a super special young lady.  These photos  all capture her spirit very well. I'm thankful for talented photographers and for our youngest girl finally sharing these pics with us!
    note the bubbly coming out of the bottle!
    May 2021

  • DINNER! Dave volunteered to make dinner one evening this past week and he chose Sweet and Sour Chicken. OMGOODNESS.  It was so delicious!!  It was just so darn good...I'm so thankful I have a husband who can cook even though it is rare for him to do so. 

  • POWER OF PRAYER:  Work was tough this week.  I reached out to a couple of friends, both near and far (thanks, Deb from Utah and Susanne from Canada) and I felt the power of those prayers.  I actually finally got a good night's sleep on Tuesday evening.  It was much needed and I appreciate the prayers of my fellow sisters in Christ. I'm so thankful for knowing God's strength and peace.
That wraps up my blessings from the week.  Believe me, there were many more moments that made me pause, smile, and say "Thanks, God":  beautiful scenery on my after work bike ride, Courtney popping in on Sunday afternoon to help with a project, hugs from both girls, phone calls from friends, and the autumn sunshine.

I hope whatever you have planned for the holiday weekend, that it will be special and rejuvenating to your body, mind and spirit!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. I love this FFF post! That is such a beautiful hiking spot. I am so glad you found the unmarked path you had been looking for. Lovely! Great pictures of Claire. She is just beautiful and those pictures made wonderful memories of her college years and graduation. I think I will look for that movie on Netflix. Looks good. Maybe Charly and I will have movie night for my birthday! That was so nice of Dave to fix a delicious dinner for you. I am glad you are feeling better after your stressful day. Yes, prayer does work and I am always happy and honored to pray for others! Have a great long weekend! (It's NOT a holiday out here. Go figure.) P.S. I got up early and finished my FFF post. See you again soon!

Ingrid said...

The creeks look gorgeous ! You had a nice week !

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Sounds like a great week. And beautiful pics of your daughter!! She’s very photogenic.

Barbara Harper said...

Unfortunately, no one in our family has Monday off. I think it's mainly schools and banks and government offices that have it off--don't know why that is. Hope you enjoy your day off! Sounds like it's needed.

Claire's pictures are lovely, and so creative!

I'm glad you found the trail and falls you'd been looking for. I love when others in the family cook. I had not heard of that movie--will have to look it up.

Willow said...

Love those photos of Claire! Anyone who can do en pointe has my admiration. I remember my girls at 4--yeah, we moms are always thankful that they grow through certain stages.
Hurray for a long weekend! Enjoy tomorrow! More hiking? I love my hikes and bike rides through the trees.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Congratulations to your beautiful and talented daughter! I love exploring the wood like that! It reminds me of when I was a child.