"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

05 November 2021


How is it November already?? I mean seriously.  Autumn has been spectacular here in the Capital Region of NY. (but boy...it sure has flown by!)  We have had some rain when needed but most of our days have been sunny, mild and the leaves are now getting to be past peak here in eastern NY. We face a lot of raking in the next two weeks!

For today, I am joining in with other thankful bloggers to share FIVE of our FAVE blessings from the past week.  We all link up at the host's site Living to Tell the Story.  Find the info here. 

  • CLASSROOM WORK DAY:  Tuesday was Parent/Teacher Conferences Day (no school for the students) I spent the day re-organizing the room, making many changes, prepping for November lessons and creative art projects and  generally getting to know the new TA in the room and showing her the ropes. I'm thankful for 6.5 hours of time to do this with NO students in the building. 

  • BOOK GROUP: I'm so thankful for the 5 ladies who come to my home each Monday evening to discuss/share their thoughts on the book we are studying (see side bar).  Monday's was an exceptionally good discussion and as a facilitator this made my heart happy and thankful that the ladies were being honest, open, vulnerable and authentic.  I just loved it and am thankful for each one of them. 

a new fave
  • CHAI!  For those of you who know me well, you know I love my coffee.  Most flavors (except pumpkin!!) and especially a good Ethiopian, Guatemalan, or French roast coffee. But because I am now 61 almost 62 and need my sleep due to teaching little ones, I cannot have caffeine past 4 pm so I've been trying various flavors of herbal teas.  I finally  found one I LOVE.  (I'm so not a tea drinker so I'm trying flavors that sound appealing)   This Chai spice just  reminds me of late Autumn....it's like sipping cinnamon, cloves, fresh scent of crisp leaves all in one cup. It's just amazing.  I'm so glad I bought a box to try. I'm thankful for yummy flavors and for finding something I can enjoy on a chilly evening after dinner.

  • SAFELY HOME!  Late last Friday night, almost Saturday morning, my husband's plane touched down here in our town from his week long missions trip to the Dominican Republic.  Wow.  I'm so thankful he and the team arrived home safely.  With all that is going on in the world, I did find I was praying more for him than usual when he's away.  They had a good productive week blessing the children and teens and he even brought home some good Dominican coffee!!  We have been enjoying the first bag all week in the mornings at breakfast. He's also been helping me with evening chores more and beginning to do some power walks during his lunch break (both are answers to prayer)  I'm thankful to the Lord that he had this opportunity and that God kept everyone safe and healthy. I'm thankful that the Gospel was shared, practical help was given and lives were changed.
two of the 5 horses on the farm across the road from our neighborhood
3 November

a pretty tree around the corner
 and down the street from my house
  • POWER WALKS!  On Wednesday, I ran a quick errand after work and then came home, did a  couple of chores and got my walking sneakers on to take a good cardio-paced 1.6 mile walk in my neighborhood.  There's just something about walking in the warm sunshine but brisk air in mid-Autumn that does a body good.  (and soul!).  I tend to either listen to music or usually pray during my walks.  I walk as my daily work out and I'm savoring these amazing late afternoons because I know all too soon I will have to be inside on the treadmill.  Winter walks are fine but usually too icy to  go at a cardio pace.  So I'm savoring my work out times each day after work even though it's getting dark earlier.  I'm thankful for my  safe suburban neighborhood which includes a bit of rural life. 
Those are the FIVE things from my week that really stood out to me as FAVES.  What about you?? what made you say Thank You, God this week?  What brought a smile to your face?  Finding things, moments, and people or places to be thankful for is an excellent spiritual discipline. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. I am so glad that your husband returned home safely. What good work he did in the the DR. So thankful for the lives that were blessed. Glad you have been getting some good walks in this last week. A day off of students, to work in the classroom, is always a blessing. So glad you are enjoying your study group. The book you are reading with the group is certainly a good one! I am going to get some of that tea and try it because I have to avoid caffeine after early afternoon as well. You had some great and simply blessings to be grateful for this past week. Hope you had a good weekend. I will be finishing my email to you later today. Have a good Friday!

Barbara Harper said...

So glad your husband got home safely! Neat to have real Dominican coffee! My husband likes to try coffee from different countries. What nice scenes on your walking route. Glad you were able to get lots done on your school work day.

Gattina said...

You never could be a good Italian ! They drink coffee the strong espresso the whole day and before going to bed to digest their supper ! It's true you can get used to it, because I do so too now after 52 years of marriage.
The leaves have a nice color here, but I don't like this season. Yes travelling is quite difficult these days and better to avoid if not absolutely necessary, especially by plane !

Karen said...

It's good to hear that your husband arrived home safely and that his trip went well. How nice of you to share coffee in the morning as a reminder of his travels. They're having back-to-school nights and teacher conferences here, as well. It seems like school just barely started!

a spirit of simplicity said...

I'm glad that your husband is home safe. I love getting outdoors to walk at this time of year. I am going to check out that tea. I like having a cup of something hot in the evening when it's cold outside.

Willow said...

It was good to hear that your husband returned home safely and with great stories and great coffee.
Power walks, hikes-- yes! You know how I love them.
I hope you have enjoyed your weekend; have a great week!

Susanne said...

So glad Dave made it home safe and sound and with coffee in hand! :) It has actually been a lovely fall here too though it has been windy this past week. But soaking in everyday because I know the harsher weather will be here soon. The pictures from your neighborhood are lovely. I love Chai tea. I was going to try Stash's Double Spice Chai but don't know if it comes in decaf. I've always like Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice and it's herbal so no caffeine.