"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

27 December 2021

Looking Back at 2021


Well, it's the time of year...the last week of December...where I look back at the year and my goals I set forth in the first week of January.  I did fairly well. Not as good as the previous year...but I plugged away at some new to me goals and I checked off some boxes so that's kind of exciting....and there were some goals that were begun and fell away.....they just didn't work for my husband and I......for the most part though, the few goals I had in each growth area, were accomplished and I feel pretty good about that. 


  1.  Power walk (as in a slow jog/brisk "get the heart rate up to peak" walks) 6 days per week all year:  I am currently averaging 5 days a week.  I started out last winter with just 3 days a week, brought it up to 6 for most of Spring and Summer and then returned to about 5 days a week for most of Autumn. I use one day for weights and yoga and the other day is a complete rest day from physical activity. 
  2. Lower my LDL from 104 to under 100. (without a statin!) I do not know yet if I've accomplished this as I am not due for my blood work yet.....I'll find out at some point in the next 6 weeks. I have been taking the phytosterols fairly faithfully so hopefully my numbers will be good!
  3. Practice yoga/stretches every morning of the work week.  I started out great last winter.....then went down to just 3 mornings out of the 5.  Now?  I hardly ever do yoga in the mornings....I need to get back to it!
  4. Go biking twice a week come Spring.  Yes, I accomplished this!  I also did some biking this autumn as we had a very mild autumn and I just love bike riding.  It's a great way to get some cardio workouts in.  I plan on biking a bit more come April. 
My large goals for this area was to hike up 2 high peaks mountains in July.  Well, that didn't happen due to our very rainy every weekend in that month!!  I DID climb a high peak in October down in the Catskills.  This goal will carry over to 2022. 
I also had a goal of hiking 6 new to me trails in the Central and Eastern Adirondack mountains for 2021.  I accomplished this!!  I actually hiked on NINE new to me trails in those regions...all were deep woods hikes except for one mountain (5th Peak in the Eastern ADKS) and one nature preserve (Ballston Spa).  I also climbed a new to me mountain in the MA Berkshires:  Monument Mountain.  I feel good about this goal and will set a new hiking goal for 2022.
I also had a goal of trying one new recipe a month, preferably plant based.  I have to say that for the most part this was accomplished.  I think just the month of August did not have any new recipes.  All were plant based except for one that was a chicken dish. (lemon-garlic sauce). 


  1. I had a goal of attending/completing 2 workshops/conferences for Special Education or Nature based curriculum.  This did not happen due to the continuation of Covid-19. I did however complete one in-person workshop that we had right at work...it was a "prevent back injuries" type of workshop that included stretches to do while working with young children and taught by our on site Physical Therapist.  
  2. Read 4 non-fiction books.  I accomplished this!  I read EIGHT non-fiction books, with 2 of them being Small Group Ministry books and 2 were begun in 2020 but were completed in the early part of 2021:
                    How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado (Small Group Study)
                    Homework by Julie Andrews
                    Dusk, Night, Dawn by Anne LaMott
                    A Gentle Path of Healing by Debby Havas
                    Traveling Mercies by Anne LaMott
                    Small Acts of Grace by Alice Gray (Small Group Study)
                    NYS Adirondacks, A History by Phil Brown
                    Connections (Finding Your Place in the Natural World) by Debby Havas

I also had the large goal of becoming Nature-Based Curriculum certified only to discover that there IS no certification for this in New York State and also where I would have to do my internship/practicum was cancelled due to the pandemic (again!).  I am re-thinking this goal........


  1. The goal for my marriage was to have at least one date night a month.  We have accomplished this, except this month (December!). 
  2. Get together with friends for coffee/lunch/dinner every two months.  This was accomplished.  I actually have gone to meet friends once a month since last April. I feel great about this goal!
  3. Meet with my spiritual mentor Monica at least 2 times before the new school year.  This was accomplished!  We have actually met 3 times this year and I am so thankful for her and her friendship. She is truly a bestie. 
  4. Get out in the woods or mountains at least once each weekend.  This was accomplished during the Spring Season and the Autumn Season (until this month). In the Summer months, I went every other weekend and in the Winter of 2021, it was only 3-4 times. 

Large goals for this area were to begin some home repairs and discuss things with my husband about our marriage and home; and to start up my Fitness Group again with clear boundaries and expectations.  Both were accomplished!  We completed some gardening work, deck work and made a permanent fire pit for the back yard; we also have all new carpeting throughout the upstairs and are beginning to talk about getting all the windows replaced come Spring. Also, my Fitness Group has 9 members and 4 are committed to power walking and hiking/biking.  We meet every couple of weeks except the month of December.                      

  1. to read and study 4 minor prophets from the Old Testament.  This was accomplished.  I studied Hosea, Joel, Habakkuk, and Nahum. 
  2. To study I and II Timothy.  I have accomplished I Timothy so will carry II Timothy over to 2022.
  3. To begin a Book Club type small group ministry.  This started in Sept of 2021 and I am SO THANKFUL I set up my small group in this format.  It will continue into 2022. 
  4. An established prayer time with my husband once a week.  This is an on-going debate.  Dave doesn't really like the whole "established time" so basically we have agreed that when needs arise and I need covering or we have some serious things to pray about and people to pray for, then we will come together (usually on a Sunday or Wednesday evening) and pray together.  
  5. To complete 2 Service Projects with my own Small Group/Book Club.  Due to Covid situations and not everyone being vaccinated over the summer, this did not happen.  However, my current Book Group was able to complete a service project (because 5/6 of us are vaccinated) for my neighbor's daughter who is battling breast cancer during the months of Nov and Dec.  We will be searching and praying about another project come Spring. 
Large goals for this area were to be bolder in my own testimony/story of what Christ has done for me.  This is still a work in progress but I have been bolder at work about the things of God when the opportunity arises.  
Another large goal was to participate in an online Bible/devotional study with friends.  This was accomplished 6 times in the last 9 months.  I am currently  doing another study this week with my cousin online about the importance of friendships with other Christian women.  Another large goal was to be more intentional about praying with and for people (specific prayer needs)  I have accomplished this and it will be on-going. 

All in all, I look back and see where I have failed...and where I have had success.

It's all in the trying.....I love setting goals for my self... I feel that it is important to keep growing in all areas of development.  

Now...on to thinking and praying about what my new year goals will be!!

Do you have some goals you accomplished this past year??

What about for next year?  what kinds of goals do you have?


Deb J. in Utah said...

Good work on your 2021 goals. I hope 2022 is a great year for you! Happy New Year to you and yours. :-)

Susanne said...

Wow, I'm so impressed! I struggle to set down goals on paper of any kind. Very inspirational, Faith!