"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

07 January 2022

Happy New Year Faves


Friday.... after the first week of school for 2022......the students are doing fairly well after our Christmas break but I am TIRED. All is well and I'm here to participate in the weekly FFF......hosted by Susanne my blogging friend from Canada. We look for things to be thankful for in our week and we  share about them.  What is something you are grateful for as we begin 2022??  Do share or at least leave a comment!

The Crossings Park
south Colonie, NY

heavenly sunshine in the pine grove

a fave pine on the walking trail

the pond at The Crossings
slightly frozen over
  • OUTDOOR POWER WALKS!  On New Year's Eve I took a nice walk.  New Year's Day First Hike was canceled due to rain in the area north of where we are and where I planned to go with my friend Darlene.  We met Sunday afternoon to walk down in her town in a little pocket park on a trail that is only a mile but we did it twice and it was a lovely way to spend the late afternoon as it was about 55 degrees when we walked!  Then Monday morning had a blast of cold air, as did Tuesday. I stopped on Tuesday after work to walk in the south part of town at the large park there.  It's named The Crossings and there are 3 miles worth of trails. It was a brisk 28 degrees so I walked just under 1 mile bundled up with hat, hiking jacket, scarf and gloves.  The sunshine felt wonderful and there were about 10 cars in the first lot where I parked.  I did see quite a few walkers and joggers and in fact, I saw some moms with children. I have walked every day after work this week except for once. It's never too cold to take a brisk walk in a pretty park and I'm super thankful I could get a good power walk in amongst so much beauty.  

  • LIBRARY VISIT:  I decided late afternoon on Tuesday, after my park power walk, to return a book to our town library that just wasn't capturing my interest.  I found two books by authors I enjoy. In fact, one was the final one in a series of 6 previous novels but I found that although I haven't read any of the previous 6, I can read it as a stand alone.  I also found a book I had been on a waiting list for and never got called that it was free.  I'm thankful for good libraries to browse in and take books from because they are FREE and it's a perfect way to spend a very cold winter afternoon. 

  • NEW TEAM MEMBER:  The TA my classroom team had hired back in early October  decided to take a state job that was offered to her the week before Xmas so we said goodbye and good luck on our last day before the break.  Well God has certainly blessed us with a new young woman......she has some certification and is willing to learn more....she is used to being a 1:1 aide in a public school so our setting is a bit different for her but thankfully she understands young children and will learn the methods of play with language as we go. I'm so thankful we have this new team member on our educational team. 
image courtesy of T@rget

  • FLANNEL JAMMIES!  I happened to see these at T@rget the week before Christmas so grabbed a men's and women's pair and surprised Dave with them on Xmas eve.  We've never had matching xmas jammies so I think I have found a new tradition :) The last 2 evenings have been VERY cold but these are perfect for curling up in a chair with and reading or watching a netflix movie.  They're a light flannel so not too heavy for wearing in bed.  I'm thankful for warm clothing during the nights that the temps dip down into the teens. 
A hairy or downy woodpecker

  • CLOSE UP WOODPECKER!  On Wednesday when I was out walking in the north part of town in our original town park and its bike path, I was the only person on the first half mile stretch of trail.  I heard a tapping sound.  I stopped and reached very slowly for my iphone and snapped this picture of a  woodpecker! This is the closest I have ever been to one and I actually don't know if it's a hairy or a downy.......do any of you? the pic isn't great because....iphone cameras.....hard to zoom in properly. and I didn't wanna get too close and  scare him. We have had both kinds at our backyard bird feeder in the past although this winter I haven't seen many for some reason. I'm thankful for different parts of creation I see on my power walks and hikes. 
This wraps up my FAVES list.

I hope you have a relaxing weekend....stay warm if you are someplace cold!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. So glad you had a nice week and got to get out for some walks. So cool you saw that Woodpecker. I have heard Woodpeckers at work, but don't think I have ever seen one in a tree. So glad your new T.A. is working out well. I love the flannel jammies - so comfy, warm and matching with Dave! I love wearing flannel jammies in the winter. I hope that you have a lovely, relaxing weekend. See you again soon. :-)

Willow said...

Lucky you to get out for your walks. I am looking forward to some walks this week, hopefully.
You have the touch to catch bird pictures. If I so much as move my hand toward my phone or camera, the bird will fly away. Aren't woodpeckers fun to watch (but not on my house or in my trees)?
Our family got matching pj tops for Christmas. I think it's going to become a tradition. And they're warm and comfy.
Happy New Year!

Karen said...

Woodpeckers are such colorful little characters. We get flickers, and both the downy and hairy in our backyard. It's a treat to catch them at the feeder.

That's great that you're excited about your new staff member. A good start to the new year.

It's been a while since I've had a good browse at the library. Great idea!

Happy New Year :)

Wendy said...

Ahh sounds like you've had a great start to the New Year Faith. Your commitment to walking is inspiring. I'm sure it's a relief to get a new assistant and glad it's working out ok. Those PJs look nice and comfy. Have a good weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

We've been in the teens, too, this week. So cold. But every day is one step closer to spring.

Glad you got out for some walks and the new team member is working out so well.

The flannel jammies look cute. Yay for library books.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

How wonderful to have a friend to walk with! Walking is something I do that is good for my body and soul, and it leaves me feeling so invigorated and ready to start my day. So much to see outside, like your woodpecker! It is hard to tell the difference between them, as size is really the only difference. The jammies for Christmas sounds like a wonderful plan! I'm glad that you've got an assistant who will be a blessing to you! So thankful for the good things you've shared! Wishing you many blessings and God's best for the new year!

Susanne said...

So nice that you could get out and walk. Love that big pine tree and the woodpecker. But I beg to differ and say that it can be too cold to walk. Our poor doggy did not get walked once in our -30 - -39*C (-22F - -38.2F) weather over the last couple of weeks. LOL, I am much too wimpy to attempt that. Even he just dashed out into the backyard, did his thing and then ran back in. Thankfully the chinook arrived yesterday and in one day we are now sitting at above freezing. I love my library too. I find it so relaxing and stress relieving to just go browse books and eventually choose a few. Just returned one that had 78 people on the wait list (the Lincoln Highway). Love flannel to sit around in but it's too hot for me to wear to bed. Love that black and white check print!