"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 January 2022

Keeping the Joy


It was just tossed on the lawn......still green.....still with strands of tinsel entwined in the branches......just cast away on the little bit of snow that blanketed the yards this past Friday.  

And I couldn't help but ponder.....

.......I wonder if their joy has been cast aside this week, too? Like their Christmas tree.....Christmas is over and for many people, if they had any joy to begin with, they are back to feeling unhappy or depressed.  It's a common malady here in the Northeast after the holidays.  Between the weather that always seems grey with fleeting sun rays or heavy snow or no snow or lots of mud or frozen mud ...people just don't seem happy and joyful.

And I get it.  I used to be somewhat "blue" in the Winter months particularly January/February. And then a few years ago, when I started embracing Winter for its natural beauty (Everything God made is good, remember!) I began to find joy in the moments.  

You see, joy doesn't need to be tossed in the Xmas clutter trash. 

Joy comes from within.  Happiness is fleeting because it's based on situations.......we're going to experience sad times, worrisome times, sickness, pain, trials, loss, anger, frustration. Jesus said we would have trouble in this world. 

But when we fully live for Him and when we fully trust Him, we can experience joy all throughout the year, in any circumstance.  Yes, even in the hard times.......our inner spirit can have joy. We might cry......and that's healthy and ok....but deep down we will experience peace and joy because when we know the One who brings it, we can't help but embrace it. 

God gives us  inner strength to endure all things.....that strength??  Comes from joy. 

Another thing I was pondering are the people who just  had these joy-filled holidays or vacations and they're posting wonderful family and friends pictures all over social media, yet a week later are lamenting and moaning and groaning/complaining about the weather, the Covid-19 virus, the problems with the schools, the problems with their state  government, their friends and family who are vaxxed or not vaxxed....and the complaints go on and on and on........
....where's the joy??

What happened to their outlook from the holidays? It's like it was tossed out with their tree, right?

WHY? why do people succumb..and i'm talking mostly about Christ followers here....WHY do they resort to complaining and groaning when they have Jesus they are supposedly following? Where's their joy?

I actually had to tell two good friends of mine, both Christians, that we were not  going to discuss politics, covid or the vaccine when we got together.  I am so weary of hearing the complaints.  Guess what?  Covid is never going away.  It isn't.  It's a virus.  We know about viruses.  Be pro-active but  for the love of God stop complaining.....stop talking about it!  You don't go around talking about the cold viruses do you?  Yes, people have died.  It's tragic.  People have died every year of something. Yes it's a pandemic.  People have dealt with many pandemics in the past.  Our ancestors are probably laughing their heads off that we are still obsessed with our fears and complaints almost 2 years later.  Seriously.  I get emails from friends complaining or talking about covid in their schools, their churches, that they're back to wearing masks. (GOOD!  It's safer with one during cold and flu season).  For the Love of God, stop the talk.  Move on. 

Grab joy. and don't let go.

Moving on into this new year, I don't know what will happen. 

 I do know that my joy comes from Christ.  And to Him I am clinging.  All else can be thrown out with the old Christmas decor....

Keeping the joy.........

Try it!



Deb J. in Utah said...

Great post. Much to think about. I agree that the virus isn't going away, so we need to do what we can, trust God, look for the good and be grateful and joyful. Thank you and have a great week!

Wendy said...

Thought provoking post Faith. You had me checking back on my recent posts to see if I'd been spreading doom and gloom. Thankfully not. I'm trying to keep the positive vibes from our lovely family Christmas going and I think I've made quite a good start to the new year. I've been managing to drink a full bottle of water each day. It might take me a while to get up to 2 like you though.

Sam Patrick said...
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Susanne said...

Good thoughts, Faith! I think we just need to turn the darn news off sometimes as that churns a lot of the grumbling. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus finding what there is to be grateful for in each day. If they only place we can get happiness from is the latest vacation, or going to entertainment shows, or whatever, when that is stripped away what are we left with? It needs to be something deeper within. Lots to think on in your post!