"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

09 April 2022

Ezekiel Study, Part 4


I'm continuing my study in the major prophet Ezekiel.  This summary is for chapters 22-26.

The first 21 chapters of Ezekiel have focused on the judgement that was to occur for Jerusalem's sins. The main focus from these chapters were on religious sins.  But now it changes to the sin of blood shed....known as social sins. These reflect the Holiness Code found in Leviticus 18-20. The root cause of these social sins?  Forgetting God. Something we can learn for ourselves today from Chapter 22 is that Jesus is the One who saves us from the wrath of God.....by shedding His own blood.  This is summed up in Romans 5:8-9.  (see image). This is rather perfect as we begin to enter Holy Week tomorrow (Palm Sunday). 

Ezekiel 23:  the basic summary is that it pairs with Chapter 16. Both chapters describe idolatry and foreign alliances. 

Samaria and Jerusalem are married to Yahweh (Jehovah/God).  They are depicted here as Oholah and Oholibah.  But they are unfaithful.  The couplings symbolize the alliances between Israel and Judah and their nations throughout their histories. 

It's a betrayal to God with Whom they had begun a covenant relationship.  God is disgusted.  

For us today this means that as the church we are in covenant relationship with Christ. We need to be faithful to Him and remain faithful/devoted to our spouse as marriage reflects that of Christ and the church. (adultery is a sin). 

Ezekiel 24:  the basic summary in this chapter is there's a turning point.  The Babylonian siege of Jerusalem begins.  It will no longer be a protection for the people. The corroded pot equals the city.  The meat = the people. This is a picture of Jerusalem's annihilation. It is also a turning point for Ezekiel too!  His wife is gone, his tongue is loosened...this is a sign-act.  They are to accept their guilt and the just punishment that is to come. Ezekiel shows the suffering of God.

Ezekiel 25 discusses the judgement on the other nations nearby.  It discusses the reasons for the judgement, the outlines for it and the outcomes of it.  (that God will be recognized for Who He is!).  God will be seen as the one and only true and Living God, not just over Israel but ALL nations on earth. 

What we glean from this today:  Not all nations in our world recognize God or His Son Jesus but one day they will and they will face judgement.  (this applies to all people in all nations). 

It's simple:  if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and live your life for Him, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. But you WILL bow to Him in the end. 

The summary of Chapter 26 is basically two nations being singled out:  Tyre and Egypt. 

Tyre was happy that Jerusalem fell but even though they were physically protected, they couldn't be protected against God's judgement. Their downfall will have a ripple effect on surrounding coastlands and the economy. 

What this means for us today:  Nations and prosperous companies are being watched.  God might judge their exploitations, too, just like he did Tyre and Egypt. 

I'm about half- way through my study of this great prophet!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Kudos to you for taking on these harder OT books.