"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

19 July 2022

2022 Goals Check-Up #3


Well, I missed posting my update in May so now that's it's July, here is how I'm doing with my 2022 goals for the calendar year. For those of you who know me, you know I don't make New Year's resolutions.  I choose goals to work on in each developmental area.  Maybe it's the Special Education teacher in me :) This Spring, from the  first week of April until just this morning, I woke up each day with congestion (that nothing took away typically) and a severe sinus headache.  May was the worst.  Today was the FIRST day since April that I woke up feeling normal.  Praise be to God.  I won't go into what this was at that will be a later post.  But the point is, I wasn't up to doing much all spring.  I had to force myself to get to the classroom to  teach.  The commute isn't all that long but it was often tortuous with pounding pain.  Same in the classroom with those special prek'ers. Let's just say things are changing and I am most thankful.  I can begin to do the things I love again without being in pain. 

UPDATE as of JULY 18


Overall Goal:  Hike in the High Peaks and Eastern Regions of the ADKS

(I tend to stick to the southern or central regions as they are more known to me)

  • Hike 2 mountains in the High Peaks Region :  I have hiked no mountains yet this year in the high peaks region.  That should change come my vacation in August. 
  • Hike 3 trails/mountains in the Eastern Region (all new-to-me) I have hiked a new to me mountain (Cook Mt) in late April with my friend Darlene.  It's in Ticonderoga which is a small town in the eastern ADKs. I have also hiked up Swede Mt a small mountain in the town of Hague, near Brant Lake and Lake George in the eastern region.  I did this 2 weeks ago by my self. I have almost met this goal!
  • Find 4 waterfalls that I haven't seen yet, listed in the 50 Falls Challenge for the high peaks region   During my April break I found/hiked to 4 waterfalls (Anderson, Alice, Rainbow, and Wadhams Falls on April 16th) in the high peaks/northern region so this goal is met!!
  • Plan 4-6 hiking events with the Fitness Friends group I have planned a hiking event in Vermont that one other friend did with me; I planned a waterfalls hike that 1 person signed up for; I planned a pond hike in May that 3 of us did; and I planned a mountain hike that just I did although 2 friends cancelled at the last minute. I have one other event planned for early August. 
Overall Goal:  Lower my Total Cholesterol Naturally
  • power walk 5 days a week with at least 2 being outdoors in nature I am currently up to 4 days a week consistently and sometimes it's been 5.  Once I'm on vacation, I will walk daily. 
  • limit cheese intake to once a week I am limiting my cheese intake.  This goal is met!
  • continue to supplement with phytosterols/check with doc at next physical yes, I take them each evening with dinner and sometimes in the morning if I'm eating eggs or a protein that isn't plant based
  • complete my blood work by May. This goal is met!!  My numbers were all good! (just my platelets were slightly elevated due to the sinus inflammation). 
  • add a weights routine twice a week nope...My neck was acting up so I had to put this on hold. Now I'm doing much better so hope to begin this on Thursday. My goal is to do light weights on Tues/Thur/Sat
  • drink 58 oz of water a day (yes i'm doing this almost every day)
  • fitness ball routine 4x per week before bed (this is now something I do as needed as per chiropractor's instructions). This goal is met!
  • continue to cook/prepare plant based meals 5x per week YES this goal is met!


Overall Goal: to fully study Scripture on a deeper level/discuss with husband
  • Read 2 Major prophets/study from the Old Testament I am done with studying the book of Ezekiel and this fall I hope to fully study Isaiah.  this goal is partially met!
  • Read through Psalms (I am currently about halfway through Psalms).
  • Study the book of John This goal is met! We wrapped this up in early June.
  • Prayer time with husband once a week This goal is met!
  • Continue to lead book group until June This goal is met and we are on Summer break from book group.


Overall Goal:  get 15 credit hours in to NYS Aspire by November
  • Complete Children's Lit course by end of January (This is completed but NYS isn't sure if they will accept the credits as it wasn't a fully accredited online course; it is loaded to Aspire though and I will find out in June if it was accepted).  UPDATE: NYS didn't accept this course for Aspire but I still enjoyed taking it. 
  • Complete one nature based course by September (this class has been  cancelled due to covid issues)
  • Participate in 3 special education workshops/early childhood classes This goal is partially met.  I participated in 2 so far this calendar year. Our next one is not until September. 
Overall Goal:  play piano more consistently
  • work on the Haydn Sonata 2 x per week I need to continue working on finding time to do this. 
  • spend some time on worship music/playing/singing hymns once a week This goal is met!
Overall Goal:  spend less time on social media
  • read at least 40 books in 2022 including books of the Bible (I have read 21  books since January 1st and am currently in the middle of one. 2 have been non-fiction and I am halfway through a 3rd non fiction. This goal is about half met!
  • start cleaning out the basement/donate/recycle old electronics This is completed!! 

Overall Goal: continue to establish and maintain close friendships/family ties
  • Have friends/family over for food/game nights (it's been over 5 years since we've done this!) This goal has not been met yet. 
  • Have one date night twice a month with Dave This goal is being met! and we had a mini-vacation of 3 nights away in the Finger Lakes for our anniversary 3 weeks ago. 
  • Have mother-daughter date with both girls once a month (Courtney and I had TWO this past winter and Claire and I had one.  This will continue)
  • Continue to meet for coffee/lunch/walks with close friends once a month (yes, this has been happening!  My friend Darlene and I have been meeting to walk and my sister Hope and I met for breakfast a few weeks ago.  I also met my friend Diane for coffee and lunch a few weeks ago). This goal continues. 
  • Meet with my spiritual mentor every 8 weeks for prayer. (Monica and I prayed over the phone in Feb and in early March we touched base via phone.)  This goal has been met!  I  got together with my friend M for lunch over spring break in April.  And for the first time in 2 years, I had dinner with my counselor-friend-mentor Cheryl S in April. M and I prayed together this weekend.  Our friendship and prayer time continues bi-monthly. 
Summary: Many of my goals for 2022 are being met or have already been met!  I feel pretty positive moving forward into the last half of this calendar year with many good hikes planned and some time with family and friends. 

Do you have yearly goals?  How are you doing with yours?


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. I love this goals check up! Good for you! You are doing very well with your goals. Thanks for the motivation! See you again soon. :-)

Wendy said...

You're doing really well!

Susanne said...

Wow, you never fail to impress me with your dedication. I have never written out goals that I can remember. Funny because I am a list girl and like to make lists and see chores checked off. It must be so rewarding to see those goals, some of them big ones, checked off.