"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

31 December 2022

2023 GOALS


Here we are.  Almost to the end of 2022.  It's rather odd having a quiet house tonight. We no longer throw New Year's Eve parties like we did when the girls were in public school.  Once our oldest got to college, we started having just a couple people over and then the last several years it's just been the 4 of us.  Now that the girls are out on their own, we just want to have a nice dinner, drinks, and curl up on the couch in the family room and watch movies. The  girls have their own plans yet I'm sitting here kind of missing those days of toasting the New Year at 7 pm (England time for the new year) and then  putting them to bed and watching the ball drop in Times Square with Dave. But.....this year we are also just loving that we don't have to go anywhere and can just wear our jammies with dinner if we want!

I'm also sitting here contemplating my new year goals.  Goals are attainable with short term objectives.   The problem with resolutions is you say something like "I will lose weight this year" and yet you have no idea how to healthfully meet that goal.  The trick is to state a  general goal and then break it down into the steps you need to meet that goal.  These are called short term objectives. Example: LOSE WEIGHT.  Break that down into attainable steps:  examples: 1. cut out refined sugars and artificial sweeteners 2. use raw honey or maple syrup in my coffee/tea 3. walk 6 days a week 4. Cut out animal fats, etc etc.  You WILL lose some weight!

No matter which you do, goals or resolutions, I hope and pray you all have a wonderful start to 2023!

2023 GOALS


Overall Goal: to complete 15 credit hours for my NYS Aspire account (teaching credits)

  • complete 3 on site trainings by April
  • complete 2 online trainings via the NYS OCFS website for Early Childhood Educators by June
  • participate in all agency staff meetings January thru August
  • upload all certificates to ASPIRE by the end of Summer School
Overall Goal:  spend less time on social media
  • turn off my phone after 8 pm
  • no Facebook or Insta before work or after dinner
  • read 2 non-fiction books by June
  • read 45 books total by end of December1 
  • write letters to far away friends and family twice this year
  • practice piano 3x a week after work

Overall Goal: Pray more and discuss spiritual matters more with family and friends

  • read and study 1 major prophet of the Old Testament and discuss with Dave
  • read through Psalms 
  • read and study the book of Galations in the New Testament
  • begin a new woman's small group 
  • have a set time for prayer and meditation each morning or afternoon
  • engage in one online Bible study 

Overall Goal: continue to establish and maintain friendships and family ties

  • set up coffee dates with youngest daughter
  • set up dinner dates with oldest daughter
  • continue to have at least 1 date night per month with Dave
  • set up coffee/breakfast dates with close friends
  • continue to meet with prayer partner/spiritual mentor every 2 months
  • host 4 game nights/dinner nights by end of year


 Overall Goal:  Make treatment plan for back/neck/head pain
  • Meet with neurologist
  • Continue meeting with chiropractor
  • Follow the stretching/yoga routines daily
  • Follow the fitness ball routine  daily
Overall Goal: Continue to be physically active within the proper boundaries and lose some weight
  • plan more deep woods hikes in the eastern/High Peaks regions of the Adirondacks
  • hike on 2 new trails in Vermont
  • power walk 5x a week outdoors; walk with Dave 2x a week
  • continue to take phytosterols for lowering cholesterol levels
  • continue to follow a plant-based diet
  • learn 2 new plant based/vegan recipes by June
  • hike 2 mountains by July
  • bike a 2-3  times a week this spring, if chiropractor allows

That's it for me!


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