Background: Isaiah is the first of 17 Old Testament prophetic books. He was a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah and one of Jerusalem's most prominent citizens. He had access to the royal family as well as to the priestly leadership. The book of Isaiah is known as the Old Testament "gospel" because of the Messianic emphasis. Because God's people were in sin (and much civic confusion) they faced judgement from God. This is discussed in Chapters 1-39. But God did promise to deliver them via the Messiah who would reign in peace and righteousness. This is described in Chapters 40-66. The picture of Christ in Chapter 53 is as an innocent Lamb and suffering Servant....and this is a stunning prophecy because it occurred hundreds of years before Jesus' birth!
Isaiah reminds us that our actions do have consequences. We can't turn our hearts away from God and expect to reap blessings. However, Isaiah also gives us assurance....that when we turn away from our sin, we will reap comfort and peace.
In summary: Isaiah saw a coming day of social justice, racial harmony, and prosperity in a world where Messiah reigns in righteousness. We need to hear this prophetic word!
One of my 2023 spiritual goals is to really read through and study another major prophet. Last year I studied the book of Ezekiel during the winter/spring. This year I chose Isaiah. I've read so many parts of it and one year I actually read the Bible in chronological order (it's not the same as how it is written/presented in our Bibles. For example, the book of Job falls in with Genesis but is actually put before Psalms in our Bibles). I do recommend reading the BIble chronologically at least once in your lifetime. It's fascinating!! And then you'll see how all of these prophecies line up. I'm following a Bible app devotional all about Isaiah. Here's a summary of the first 5 chapters: (please keep in mind this is a brief, basic summary....there is definitely more "meat" but that would take pages!)
CHAPTER 1: God, through the mouth of Isaiah, tells the Jewish people to deal with their spiritual indifference. They've been keeping the religious rituals but their hearts have turned away from God! Isaiah warns them that if they don't repent, judgement would fall on them.
For us today: We are all busy with various ministries and "duties". But God wants us to fully listen to Him and to tell Him of our heart condition. We need to ask Him to remove our impure thoughts, habits and desires. However, we do have Hope in our busy lives because God purifies those of us who take time to listen to Him and repent.
CHAPTER 2: God will reign over all the nations and teach His ways. He will judge the arrogant (in the last days). Jerusalem will be the center of the world for all nations. God has scheduled a day of restoration and reckoning for mankind. (we do not know this day!). Justice will prevail! People will want to know the Truth and wars will cease. God will be exalted!!
For us today: Seek God in His Word and learn to live in His ways. Live in continual awareness of His Presence! There will be a day of accountability!
CHAPTER 3 and 4: God gives consequences for sin. There will be judgement which will bring purification. The people were parading their sin.....they were openly rebelling against God! However, when they repent, the Branch (Jesus) will cleanse them. God's glory will be their protection and He will be a refuge for them. God offered them the hope of spiritual cleansing and future restoration to Him.
For us today: God always knows our sin even if we don't experience immediate consequences of it. God is patient but there will be a day of accountability for choices we make. God holds us accountable for our love and obedience to Him and in how we treat others. (think of Jesus' two greatest commandments to us!). Our sin is washed away by faith in what Jesus did for us on the Cross. We can know the joy of living in His Presence after we repent.
CHAPTER 5: This is Isaiah's song about God caring for His Vineyard (Israel and Judah). Because they rejected God, they had unfruitfulness and thus, judgement.
For us today: The root of sin is the rejection of God. God provides everything we need to live for Him! We have His Word and we can talk with Him (pray). We produce spiritual fruit when we grow in the Spirit and mature in God's ways. Some people will reject us because we live under God's authority but other people will see Jesus through us because of our example.
Are you living for self, or for God and His plans/purposes for your life??
Great insight from the prophet Isaiah! I love it. Isaiah is truly a rich book of scripture. Have a good week. See you again soon!
This was really good, Faith! I find the OT prophets so intimidating. Are you using a study book to guide you or are you doing it on your own?
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