This book is very eye-opening and it's now my fave non-fiction Christian book....right up there with Philip Yancey's What's So Amazing About Grace and Gary Thomas' Sacred Pathways. For those of you who know me well, you know I LOVE those books and my life has been changed because of them.
This book is basically about "reversing our tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit". This book is for the Believer of Christ. For born-again Christians. For those of us who call ourselves Christ followers. Whatever term you use to signify that you have a personal relationship with Jesus/God.
This book is about how we, as modern day Christians, often quench the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives and what that looks like. Chan asks the question: "Could it be that we've forgotten the One who distinguishes us from every religion and cult in the world?"
This book is packed with Scriptural support and compelling paragraphs told in narrative form. Each chapter is preceded by a real life biographical story and quotes.
Chan shows us that it doesn't make sense that Almighty God would have children characterized by fear and insecurity. The "children" are us...followers of Him. He put His Spirit in us so we could known for our power!! This is based on Acts 1:8; II Timothy 1:7. Sadly, most believers and churches are known for being filled with many people, for talents or intellect vs supernatural power. And he says what's worse is that we seem ok with this!
He says it is time for the church of Jesus Christ to wake up and reverse this trend of neglect. We need to be pursuing the Spirit-filled life of effectiveness that God desires and that we as Believers desire.
This is a book every person calling themselves Christian should read. It's a short book at only 7 chapters plus an Introduction and an Afterward. There is also, in the very back of the book, a short excerpt from his previous book Crazy Love which Dave and I highly recommend for every single married Christian couple. It's great.
The titles of each chapter are as follows:
- I've Got Jesus, Why Do I Need the Spirit?
- What Are You Afraid Of?
- Theology of the Holy Spirit 101 (an excellent reminder for me)
- Why Do You Want Him?
- A Real Relationship (one of my fave chapters!)
- Forget About His Will for Your Life! (another fave)
- Supernatural Church (loved this one too!)
"...when those outside the church see no difference in our lives, they begin to question our integrity our sanity, or even worse, our God. And can you blame them?" (pg 33 Forgotten God by Francis Chan, c.2009
"A sure sign of the Holy Spirit's working is that Christ is magnified, not people. " (pg 87)
" is undeniable that one of the greatest aspects of being in relationship with the Holy Spirit is the intimacy, security, and encouragement He brings us. It is then we can serve God as a beloved child rather than a stressed-out, guilt-ridden slave." (pg 104)
"Our lack of intimacy often is due to our refusal to unplug and shut off communication from all others so we can be alone with Him." (pg 109)
"It is a spiritual discipline to be still, to listen, and to c ut out the distraction and din of our world. And as we practice this stillness, this waiting, this being, it is then that we can experience deep intimacy and relationship with the Holy Spirit." (pg 109)
"I think a lot of us need to forget about God's will for my life. God cares more about our response to His Spirit's leading today, in this moment, that about what we intend to do next year." (pg 120)
"It is when we are filled with true peace and hope that people notice there is something different about us. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives us both peace (Rom 14:17) and hope (Rom 15:13)."
This book would make a great study for a small group. I have highlighted many sections including the above quotes to "chew on" and include in a group discussion if the Lord leads us to have a group based on this very important subject.
In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 12 and older.
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this a 10.
Wow, this sounds like a really good book. I will have to look for it. Thanks for the review.
I've seen this book for years but have never picked it up. It sounds really good.
Ok I'll put this one on my list. I'm currently reading "The Well-Watered Woman" and "Don't Let The Enemy Have a Seat at Your Table" - both really good!!
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