I'm slowly getting through my study of Isaiah. I'm using a YouVersion app devotional to help explain many of the passages found in this major prophet of the Old Testament.
Here is a summary of chapters 27-31:
CHAPTER 27: this chapter centers around a prophecy about how Israel will gather in Jerusalem to worship the Lord when the great trumpet sounds. One day God will stop sins' chaos and will establish a world that reverances Him. he will destroy evil and death; He will remove sin and its consequences and deal with all of His enemies. Until then, God will remove His compassionate protection and allow affliction in order to purify their lives from idols and take away rebellion from their hearts. From all over the world, the Lord will draw His people (Jews and Gentiles) to His holy mountain in Jerusalem to worship Him and to celebrate His Victory with joy.
For us today: Jesus is the ultimate Victor over sin and death. Following Jesus puts un on the winning team! We know He will be victorious, and because of that it's easier for us to trust Christ completely.
CHAPTER 28: Isaiah is announcing God's judgement on Ephraim and the promise of the Cornerstone (Jesus). The people of Ephraim perceived God's Word as a bunch of rules. They didn't listen to God even though they "kept the rules". God would fulfill His promise of rescue through His Son (Jesus) Who never disappoints those who trust in Him. Trying to keep the laws of Scripture isn't enough. "Only the Savior (Jesus) meets God's standard of justice and righteousness required to rescue repentant sinners."
For us: Are we listening to God's Word which is Truth? "Scripture is God's revelation of Himself for the purpose of having a personal relationship with mankind through Jesus. Religion is mankind's way of trying to reach God; it burdens us with the lie that keeping all the rules and being good all the time determines our spiritual status." The real issue is Jesus who died in the place of every sinner. We can choose to respond to Him by trusting His sacrifice and then we're rescued from sin's penalty (hell) to enjoy a personal relationship with God, not religious lies. Avoid following manmade doctrines/theology. Follow the Bible and learn about grace, mercy and repentance.
CHAPTER 29: This is a prophecy that one day Jerusalem's people will be receptive to God but will first experience judgement. God's bringing judgement so they can do some self-examination and come to a place of humility. They were "religious" but were spiritually dull, deaf, and blind. One day God will reveal the reality of Who He is and will deliver His people from their enemies. The Redeemer (Jesus) will bring restoration and the people will have a renewed heart.
For us: "practicing religion as a mechanical, intellectual activity without engaging the heart is possible. But...it can make us spiritually dull. Wrong thinking robs us of the continual awareness of God." Spend time alone with Him. "A heart of pure devotion leads to genuine worship."
CHAPTERS 30 and 31: God's stubborn people willfully resisted His instructions. they wanted to only hear positive words from the prophet Isaiah. They refused God's authority. They carried out their own plan instead of trusting God for deliverance. God offered grace, compassion, and justice. He would defend, deliver, and preserve His people. God has the power to deal with the people's enemies.
For us: waiting for God during trials can be hard. We need to be talking to Him about our concerns, disappointments, and fears. We need to get our strength from His Word (the Scriptures) and follow His plan for our lives. Obey Him by waiting before Him.
1 comment:
Great insight. Thank you for taking the time to do these posts! See you again soon!
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