"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

24 March 2023




And the week has included the first day of Spring and some early Spring-like temperatures and sunshine in eastern New York where we live. 

I'm counting my blessings today with other bloggers who share FIVE of their FAVE things from the past week.  God brings us many things each day and some are big and some are small but all are worth our gratitude. How about joining in? Check out Susanne's site for the details. 

Guest room sofa bed is in place!
  • STRONG HELP:  Saturday morning, our new sofa bed was delivered to our front door for our guest room.  (It used to be our oldest daughter's bedroom from age 1-until she moved out a couple years ago).  She actually is the one who re-painted the walls to be a sea blue-grey on top of the robin's eggshell blue that graced her walls for several years.  Anyways, she and her friend Nathanael came over with their strong arms and backs and helped Dave get the sofa into the house, up the stairs and around the tight corner into the room. They also attached the arms of the sofa and repaired a small tear on the underside that we noticed upon arrival. And yes, they were rewarded with a late lunch/early dinner.....we all ordered Chinese food except, because Claire was also visiting, the 2 vegans (Claire and Nathanael)  in the group (who ordered from a Korean place). I'm so thankful for the "kids" and their help and for yummy food.

fresh Dragonfruit!
  • FRESH FRUIT!  Nathanael brought over some fresh dragonfruit for us to try. I've had dragonfruit (the purple kind) in smoothies and refreshers from St*rbucks but I had never had it fresh because it's hard to find in our area. He had ordered it from an Asian market nearby. This kind has white fruit and is super sweet and SO good. I'm thankful for his thoughtfulness. 

  • SPRING DECOR:  I've slowly been putting away Winter and St Patrick's Day decor this past week and pulling out some  Spring decor. This little wooden item was calling my name at Home Goods last week so I added it to the top of my piano.  It has since moved to the wooden tray in my family room.  I love decorating for Spring. This weekend I might take out the few Easter items I have. I'm thankful for a new season and for some fun decor. 

The Mohawk River 
as seen from the Colonie Bike Path
22 March

Caramel Chocolate Cold Brew with Almond Milk
from DD
  • COLD BREW AND FITNESS WALKS: Wednesday afternoon our temperature here in my town got up to 60 degrees F!  I have a little tradtion that when that happens I head to DD to get their cold brew or iced lattes.  This year I chose their newest cold brew.  The sprinkles on top look like gravel don't they??  It was actually too sweet for me and although I liked the flavor, I probably won't buy it again and will stick to my fave St*rbucks cold brew.  But it was fun to take it out in the warm sunshine and drink it while I sat on a bench looking out over the river before hitting the path and doing a 1.4 miles fitness walk.  I got my heart rate up and I'm thankful it was a gorgeous early Spring day (cause it's supposed to get cold again tomorrow). 

Bright color!

A surprise Crocus in the tulip bed
  • SPRING COLOR!  Wednesday, when I returned home from work and the walk along the river, I noticed some spring blooms popping up in my front yard. I'm so thankful for the crocuses......they made me so excited for spring that I decided to sit in the sun a few more minutes and then I grabbed our old vacuum, brought it outside and cleaned out my car. After I got the car back in the garage, I realized that I should have washed it, too but that can wait for another warm day.  I'm thankful for time to enjoy color, sun and get chores done. 

That wraps up my week with some simple but special blessings.
I hope you all have a restful weekend!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. So glad you had a nice week. I love the new sofa bed. So nice that your daughter and her friend came over two help move it in and get it set up. I've never had dragon fruit, but it is a thoughtful gift. I love the spring flowers. It's great that you were able to get out and walk this week and also accomplish some spring cleaning. I hope you have a good weekend. See you soon!

Willow said...

Having strong young ones around to help with heavy moving is a great perk! And rewarding with food brings them back to help more.
Crocuses and daffodils make me so happy, too! I can't wait for my ankle to heal so I can get out on the trails and into my garden again!
I always love hearing about your hikes and walks.
Have a good weekend!

Melanie said...

Isn't it lovely to see all those spring blooms? Yesterday I noticed more and more trees are turning green. It's so pretty.

That's great that you had help with the couch. It sounds like a project with the stairs and tight corners. I really like the color of the walls there. Very restful and pretty.

I've been experimenting with Sta*bucks coffees, trying to find one that tastes good with little to no sugar. So far I've gotten the iced with a shot of sugar free French vanilla, some milk and I put in my own Stevia. I'm adjusting.

I hope your weekend is lovely.

Susanne said...

Seeing your pretty little spring flowers popping up makes me regret forgetting to plant bulbs in the fall. Good strong help is always appreciated when one has something to move. Glad you had the help. Haven't had the urge yet to get a cold brew, it's just not warm enough yet. But soon, and maybe I'll give that one a try. Cute spring decor. I haven't pulled any of mine out yet. But you're motivating me.

Gattina said...

I decided to remain in winter sleep, no sign of spring around ! As spring decoration I could put a watering can in the living room, it rains and it is very windy ! Welcome spring !

Barbara H. said...

I had planned to put spring decorations out last Saturday, but we ended up being too busy with other things. But I'll look forward to doing it soon. I love the little tulip decoration.

How nice to have strong arms and backs to help with the sofa sleeper. Food is always a good reward.

I've not tried dragonfruit. I see it at the grocery store sometimes.

Yay for spring color! I want to plant crocuses some time.