"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

16 October 2023

Sunday Stealing on a Monday


I don't know which blogger came up with this Sunday Stealing meme but I discovered it via Linda's blog.  I'm waiting for laundry in the dryer to be done AND for the dishwasher to be done so I'll play along this sunny afternoon while I wait. 

1. Write about the best decision you ever made. How did you make it? Was it reasoning or gut instinct? To not marry the guy I was living with in 1984 at the young age of 24. He asked me, I said "no I think I should wait". The decision came from God's holy spirit. It's the only explanation I have because I thought I was in love. it was lust, folks. Pure and simple. And there were signs of trouble on his end. Fast forward to today: he's serving 25 yrs-life in an upstate NY prison for raping his daughter (yes he got married after living with me).  God totally spared me.  I KNOW that decision came from God Almighty. 

2. What ONE thing would you change about your life? How would your life be different? I would change my neck/back degenerative issues.  Having almost daily cervicogenic headaches is not fun because nothing OTC takes away the pain. I miss the life I had before April 2022. Life would be less expensive if I didn't have these headaches/neck issues. (going to the chiropractor twice a month adds up, folks!) 

3. What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Why was it hard for you? What did you learn? Ooh boy.  I'm really not sure. One of the hardest things was deciding to retire early. It was hard because I loved my teaching job. I learned though that I need to take care of MY body and it just wasn't doing well on the job....i could no longer lift the little ones or the heavy play bins. My educational team of special educators/therapists were so supportive but I felt like I just couldn't give my job my all. I've learned that life is short...and sometimes things change.....still trying to figure out why God has me walking through this. sigh. 

4. What is your greatest hope for your future? That all of my loved ones would come to Christ and have peace. What steps can you take to make it happen? I can try to live out the two greatest commands: to love God and model this; and to love my neighbor as my self. 

5. If you can time travel, what will you tell your teenage self? To be my self and not to care what others think. 

6. Write about the most glorious moment in your life so far. Well there've been more than one. But I guess I should say the moment Dave walked into my life and when the ob/gyn placed first my daughter Courtney in my arms, and 5 years later my daughter Claire into my arms. 

7. Write about a moment you feel brave. When I was teaching full time special education as a master teacher and having to walk certain streets in Albany for home visits and home IEP meetings.  Also when I had to advocate for a student in family court. I felt brave and positive. 

8.  What made you happy today? The dental check up was short and sweet and no issues!!

 9. What do you dislike most about growing up? I'm assuming the blogger who thought of these questions means what do we dislike most about being a grown up? haha  I guess the fact that I have to pay bills and buy my own car. and clean my own toilets. 

10. Write about ten activities you love the most and why you love them:

  • Reading books:  because there are so many different genres and I can just lose myself in a good story. 
  • Hiking mountains or deep woods: because my spiritual temperament is Naturalist and I feel closest to God in His creation; and because it keeps me physically, emotionally and spiritually fit. 
  • Playing board games with my family or extended family: because it brings us together and is just freaking hilarious
  • Kayaking:  see the statement about hiking.  Plus it's so peaceful and easy!
  • Drinking coffee!  Does there need to be a reason??!!
  • Farmers Markets:  because I can always find great produce, jams, gifts for others and because it's fun to find out of the way places that have them. 
  • Power Walking: because it gets me out into my neighborhood, helps me maintain my fitness, and I feel good afterwards.
  • Sitting by the ocean, mountain lakes, or wooded streams:  see the same reasons as hiking and kayaking!
  • Mother daughter dates: because I have two amazing daughters whom I love with my whole heart and we all love coffee and shopping/art/music/ballet
  • Road trips: because with my husband it's a blast and when we to it tends to be spontaneous; and when hubby can't go, I go by my self or with a friend and again.....we just have the best adventures 

11. Do you have an embarrassing moment that still makes you cringe? Write about it in as much detail as you feel comfortable!
The way I responded to a toxic administrator at a school I was working in.  I'm embarrassed by the interaction and looking back I should have really just been my self, even if it meant getting fired. (which I know wouldn't have happened but.....).  I acted all sub-serviant because she was someone whom everyone was afraid of but she royally pissed me off and if I had been my self, I would have totally told her off and then told her about the situation that REALLY happened not what she percieved happened. It's hard to describe without going into details and because it involves a special education student I have to keep things confidential. In hindsight, I should have reported her to the NYS Education Dept. 

12. What has been your best trip so far? Well if we have to choose just one I guess i would say April 2010 when all 4 of us went to Paris, France. For one glorious week.  To celebrate my 50th birthday and our 20th wedding anniversary.  It was a dream week. But we've been able to do a lot of traveling and have so many other great trips too!

13. Write a list of 5 things (physical or personality-wise) you love about yourself, and why they make you unique:
  • I'm ambidextrous ....why? um...it's how God made me? Courtney is too
  • I'm super organized: its not all that unique for teachers to be organized but i'm ultra as in a bit OCD. 
  • I'm creative: I write music and have performed it for church groups
  • I'm flexible usually: most teachers are rigid. not me. 
  • I am a good teacher: because so many aren't. 
14. Discuss 5 things you wish others knew about you.
  • I'm loyal sometimes to a fault
  • I am super honest. I despise lying and I can usually tell when someone is. 
  • I get scared about certain things
  • I'm an extrovert who needs to be an introvert after a little while
  • I despise small talk and am not good at it.
15. Is social media a blessing or a curse? In my opinion, it's a little bit of both!


Linda said...

Thanks for joining in... I hope you have a beautiful Tuesday, Faithe.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. This is a fun post, and I feel like I got to know you a little better. So glad you didn't marry that guy you were living with! Wow, when we listen to God, we can avoid so many horrible disasters. I am behind on blog reading, but glad that I read this post. See you again soon!

Susanne said...

Wowza, praise God for His intervention in that relationship!! I hear ya on the paying bills thing. Fun getting to know you better!

Jennifer said...

My....those were some deep (and personal) questions. Kudos for sharing. I enjoyed the whole post but, wow, number one (and the best decision)!! Stopped me in my tracks. We often do not see "the rest of the story" especially years later, but I can only imagine what the Holy Spirit has spared me from! A trip to Paris does sound magical!! Oh, and I am loyal, often to a fault, as well!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a great post! It was nice to get to know you a little bit. I feel like we share some common things because of your connection to the North Shore of Boston and the Wenham area, we both teach/taught little ones (mine are not special education students, I have so much admiration for teachers who work with those children), and our love of the woods.