"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

19 May 2024

Sunday Stealin' Meme

I'm participating in the "Sunday Stealing" meme again, hosted by Bev. Head over here to join in.  I liked the questions this week and woke up early so decided to join in. 

1. What inspires you the most? That's tough to answer.  There are people who inspire me and things in God's creation that inspire me. I'd have to say probably my pastor's wife inspires me the most right now. She's real, approachable, wise, just normal....not judgemental or hypocritical. A good friend who is just so spiritually immature with a high emotional IQ. I just totally relate to her. We've been through similar life experiences and she's a good friend as well. As for things that inspire me: a sunset over the ocean; standing on a mountain summit and looking out at what God has created; good art; most classical and baroque music; the poetry of Amanda Gorman; the writings of Maya Angelou; the Scriptures. 

2. How do you think the world will change in 20 years? Not sure....but let's hope things improve big time!

3. Cats or dogs and why? Neither. My youngest daughter bought a cat to keep her company in her apartment. All 3 of my younger sisters have a dog. My husband's brother has a dog as does his youngest sister. I'm not into pets because I'm allergic to most cats (but not Karma my "grandcat" cause he's a Siamese mix and very short haired.). I'm allergic to most dogs. Plus we have always camped, traveled, hiked, biked, kayaked.....too hard if you own a pet. If I was super wealthy I'd own a horse. 

4. What is the funniest memory from your childhood? Oh boy. This one is tough. there are SO many. Probably one of the funniest was when we (my best  friend and I)  called the elementary school principal and pretended to be Campbell Soup employees.  I did the talking: "hello, can you sing the Campbell's Soup song? if yes, you will win a case of Campbell Soup". She did!! We then put a box of empty Campbell Soup cans on her doorstep. it was hilarious. We lived in a small village so knew where she lived. We didn't like her though. 

5. Where do you not mind waiting? on the platform of the T in Boston. It's so much fun to people watch. 

6. What was the best thing before sliced bread? No idea. I don't know life before sliced bread. Maybe the fact that most people made their own? so it was probably better for you, although super less convenient. 

7. What product would you stockpile if you found out they weren’t going to sell it anymore? Coffee. 

8. What do you get every time you go grocery shopping? See above answer. hahah.  Seriously, we get a pound of coffee a week. Also, good lettuce (Romaine). 

9. What do people do too much of today? Scroll on social media and complain

10. Are you a GoodWill, or any second hand store customer? No not usually. I donate often to two places, neither of which is Goodwill. I did buy a cute set of orange juice glasses and a matching pitcher way back when we first set up our apartment right before we got married. I also found clothing items needed for costumes for musicals my daughters were in when they were little and in elementary or junior high productions. 

11. How do you feel about the death penalty? I'm pro-life (although regarding abortion, I think it depends on the circumstances like incest, life of the mother, rape, or some other extenuating  situation....I don't believe in abortion for means of birth control).  If I say I'm pro-life, it means I am against the death penalty. Let God do the justice/revenge as Scripture says. I  do believe in incarceration and I think in our country that process is too "comfy" for lack of a better word for prisoners. They should have all rights taken away other than basic ones (food, water, shelter, doctor). Sadly, too many people who identify as Christian, believe abortion across the board is wrong and yet say they are for the death penalty. Um. Then you're not really pro life! Someone who is Pro life is for life. period. Rather, they should say they are anti-abortion (that's what I say about my self) and pro-death.  I'm basically pro-life. I don't think abortion should be the first choice unless one of the situations I gave above, and I don't think we should be killing people.  Violence begets violence. 

12. Are there brands of certain items that you will ONLY buy that brand? Ie paper towels, ketchup etc Oh yes. I cannot buy just any coffee. It's got to be either Green Mountain, Starbucks, or Peets. There's also a local brand made in the Adirondack mountains I love but it's not sold in stores so if I'm up in that town, I will grab a couple of pounds of it. Other name brand items I buy: Earth Balance butter, Nature's Path Steel Cut Oats. no other brand works for me regarding butter or oats. 

13. What are some things that you will buy the Store brand, and find the quality to be great? many things!!  We  do the bulk of our grocery shopping at either Target or Hannaford. I buy the store brand of things like condiments (or actually whatever is on sale that week).  I mean ketchup is ketchup right?? Things like soup I tend to stick to either Progresso or Campbells or the new vegan brand. Things like TP, paper towels, tissue, foil, dish soap.....whatever's on sale that week or cheapest. 

14. What is a Name brand item that really disappointed you recently? Bolthouse Farms juice drinks. YUCK! It got such good reviews and I finally bought several. They were disgusting. I'm sticking to sparkling water and plain water from my Brita and Simply OJ. 

15. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses. 



Roger Owen Green said...

My wife shops at the Hannaford and often buys the store brand.

Bev Sykes said...

I love your comment on the death penalty. I have a friend who is "pro life" and has even been arrested at demonstrations against abortion, yet she is for the death penalty and can't explain to me why this is wrong.

Lisa said...

We don't have Hannafords in Alabama. I enjoyed your answers.
I agree that you can't say you are pro-life if you believe in the death penalty but so many people say that!! I asked someone how they could say that and they said that abortion involves a baby who can't make a decision but the death penalty is for someone who chose to do whatever they did. I still think you can't say you are pro-life if you believe in the death penalty.

Allstarme79 said...

I don't like those juices either; they claim to be healthy but they have a lot of sugar and some preservatives.