"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

04 February 2025



"Stay, Mommy".  "Mommy, can you stay here?"  

Whispered words from my youngest toddler girl back 24 years ago when she was just a 2 year old. She always wanted that extra hug, that extra drink of water, extra story, extra song.  She wanted my presence at her bedside when it was lights out. 

How this so often has reminded me of what God wants for us. 

He wants us to stay in His Presence.

 He wants us to linger with Him..... 

....for an extra Word, a comforting "touch", a drink from His Living Water, for a renewed mind. 

The Scripture in Isaiah (pictured above) reminds me of this as well. 

Just like Claire felt peace when I would stay in her presence, so too, do we feel Peace when our thoughts are centered on God...when  we stay in His Presence....and why is that??

Trust. We trust Him.  When we've been walking with God for any length of time, we begin to trust Him.

This happens in our marriages, as parents, our friendships, our church leadership, etc. etc. 

Trust begins with good relationship. Relationship begins with being together. 

Are you staying in His Presence? 

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