It's a Valentine's HodgePodge.
To participate, head here.
I liked this week's questions.
1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for whatever sport is happening?
We chose not to watch the Super Bowl. None of us are into football. But I was rooting for the Eagles because in my 20s a friend of mine and I used to watch football at a sports bar and they were the ones we rooted for. Them and the Buffalo Bills since we went to college in western NY. And Yes I found out the next morning that the Eagles had won! Fave snack is hot pretzels with mustard when I'm watching my niece play Softball. At Fenway, when we are at a Red Sox game, I like ice cold lemonade and chocolate ice cream cone.
um....probably knowing which trails are best during Mud Season for hiking and which ones to avoid. Either that, or organizing my home decor. I don't see my self as having super powers although the Lord has given me much discernment and wisdom when it comes to dealing with Special Needs preK children and their dysfunctional families.
3. Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day? If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday? Share a favorite verse or quote relating to love.
This year my husband will be in Boston for a convention downtown so I will be husband-less. We "celebrated" by doing our tradition this past Sunday: a big pot of chili and cornbread while watching Casablanca. No time this morning to go into why we do this every year but maybe on Friday afternoon I will share the story in a blog post. SO....Friday evening I am picking up my oldest daughter from work and we are heading north to the lower Adirondack mountains to participate in a Luminary Hike and then we will pick up veggie pizza afterwards and head either to her apartment or my house to watch a movie she received for Christmas.
A favorite Scripture relating to love is this one:
If you don't know what this exactly means, I encourage you to look it up/google it.4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so what's one of your favorites? If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favorite love song?
I like rom-com movies that aren't sappy. Most are sappy. Some are awesome. Same with books. One of the classic romantic books is of course Gone with the Wind although it's also a family saga, a drama and historical fiction. Fave Romantic movie is Casablanca. Fave Rom-Comedies are: Roman Holiday; Sleepless in Seattle; Dirty Dancing (although I know this also fits into another genre but there's so much humor in this classic 80s flick!)
Other fave books about love: Les Miserables; Sense and Sensibility; Rebecca; The English Patient; The Thorn Birds
Other than those, I don't really like romance novels. SO sappy (the contemporary ones, in my opinion).
Fave love songs: well my goodness. I don't know who actually comes up with these questions but what genre of music? pop? country? rock n roll? Christian? I guess one of my all time fave love songs is the theme from Love Story. I honestly don't have time to list all the awesome songs about love.
5. Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E.
L: lasting
O: One
V- Very
(the ever) Lasting One (is) Very Eternal
6. Insert your own random thought here. It's not my thought though, it's from the great story of all time: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.
Happy Wednesday!!
A luminary hike sounds like fun. I like your tradition and really I especially like that you have a tradition. We're all over the place on Valentine's Day. Some years we've been out, most years we try to cook something new or fancy at home. This year we plan to take the kids out for pizza and will go early to hopefully beat the crowds. Enjoy your week!
Never did a luminary hike but my husband likes to hike up to Mt Lassen during a full moon usually in the spring or summer.!
Great post, Faith. I joined in as well. That luminary hike sounds really fun. Enjoy the end of the week and the weekend! See you again soon!
We tend to stay in on Valentines and go out another night to celebrate. Restaurants are too crowded and rushed. Luminary hike with your daughter sounds fun.
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