"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

04 March 2025

2025 Book Review #12: None Like Him


I wasn't going to sign up this semester for the Wednesday morning class because I didn't care for the book from last semester. I did a lot of work for the class and we never even went over the questions. Some of the speakers were ok, a couple were....not. Just not vibrant enough for me.  But then I saw the book the class was going to read from January to April and I said oh, definitely! And I'm so glad I did!!

The class is known at my church as WDS (Women's Devotional Studies).  We begin at 9:15 with prayer, announcements, getting a plate of brunch type snacks/coffee/tea, etc and then singing 2 worship songs. After the worship time, one of the table hosts teaches from whatever chapter we have read for that week. I read ahead this semester so am officially done with the reading part although I still have to do the questions for the remaining chapters. We have 5 chapters left. After a teaching of about 30 minutes, we discuss from list of Scriptures and questions designed by the teacher of the day at our tables. We have 7 tables set up in the church gym.  Most of the tables have between 7-8 women. I love my table host.  In fact, she's a good friend of mine and my husband's. We have "double dated" with them in the past, she's been a member of my small group I lead on Tuesday evenings, and she's in the Walking and Hiking groups I lead. We all share and get more food. It's super casual which I enjoy. We also share prayer requests and have a short time of prayer. Everything wraps up by 11:30 so I have the afternoons free. 

This book is excellent!  Not too difficult.  Easy reading. Thought provoking questions after each chapter and there's no study guide which I prefer. 


Each chapter is a different attribute of God. Basically, ten different ways God is different from us and why it's a good thing. 

The chapter titles are as follows:

  1. Infinite: the God of no limits
  2. Incomprehensible: the God of Infinite Mystery
  3. Self-Existent: the God of Infinite Creativity 
  4. Self-Sufficient: the God of Infinite Provision
  5. Eternal: the God of infinite Days
  6. Immutable: the God of Infinite Sameness
  7. Omnipresent: the God of Infinite Place
  8. Omniscient: the God of Infinite Knowledge
  9. Omnipotent: the God of Infinite Power
  10. Sovereign: the God of Infinite Rule
Then there's a Conclusion, followed by Notes and a Scripture Index


I loved that each chapter was only a few pages of reading.  I loved that I learned something from each chapter that I didn't know before or that God needed me to be reminded of.  I loved that chapter 5 was very convicting to me. 
I also enjoyed the 4-5 questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection. I took notes, summarizing the Scriptures used in each chapter and highlighting them in my Bible. I also answered the questions on my note paper with the Scripture meaning/summary in case we used any of them in class which for some chapters we have, so far. 

Although I'm done reading the book, I will re-read the chapters we haven't discussed yet since we don't wrap up this class until the middle of April. 

Tomorrow we discuss Chapter 5 which has really been extremely convicting for me. I realized that some of my time has no eternal significance so I even deactivated by Facebook account to give myself time to focus more on God and the plans He has for me this Spring. It's been very free-ing! 
Another chapter that was very deep was the Self-Sufficient one. That led our table to some very interesting discussions since all of us but 2 younger women were raised in the 1970s and were taught "you can have it all, be it all, do it all" (yes we can.....at different seasons....and if God's will is being followed and includes those plans of ours!). 

I also enjoyed that each chapter opens with a different Scripture or a quote by a famous Christian. 

In my opinion, this book is appropriate for ages 14 and older. 

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I rate this a 10. 

If you are a small group leader, or in a book group/club, this makes a great study book!! 

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