"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

07 March 2025

March Faves


This week flew by!! 
It's Friday already and time for the weekly gratitude list called the FAVE FIVE. Susanne continues to host this and I'm thankful for that!

  • IMMUNE!! This week my doctor ordered me a MMR immunity test so I could find out if I am indeed immune to Measles. Dave and I are traveling to New Mexico in the later part of Spring and because many people out there aren't vaccinating their children, there's a huge outbreak of this very contagious virus for which there are no antivirals. I had measles (Rubella) as a child but never mumps or the regular measles.  I had the vaccine in about 1971 when I was 11 which is when it first came out.  But I couldn't remember if I had had a 2nd MMR when I became a teacher in the 1980s,  so she wanted me to see if I needed the booster. My numbers came back showing I am well above the normal mark for immunity so praise God for that!  No booster needed. 

  • DEACTIVATED!!  This week I was reading in this book and became very convicted in one chapter about redeeming my time with things that have eternal significance. I felt the nudge of God to deactivate my facebook account so I did and I'm so thankful I did. I've had more reading time, more time in Scripture and prayer, more chats on the phone with friends, more time to work out.  I'm thankful I heeded the prompting of the Holy Spirit to do this.  I talked a little about it here. 

  • CELEBRATION AND CONVERSATION:  Tuesday was my friend Anita's birthday. Most of her family is in India and her husband is one of the leaders of the Bible study my husband goes to.  We really like this couple and I wanted to bless her with a surprise treat at book group.  I ordered this cookie pie from our bakery where we  grocery shop and she loved it!  We all had a small piece and she took the rest home. We also enjoyed great conversation centered around the 2 chapters we had to read from the Priscilla Shirer book we are studying.  I'm so thankful I get to lead these ladies and do life with them!
spring pillow for chair in living room

spring candle scented with essential oils:
Green grass and violet leaf
for the coffee table in living room

Spring vase with silk crocuses
for plant stand in family room
  • TOUCH OF SPRING!  This past week I had 2 errands to run and in one store I saw this beautiful spring candle with a light scent. Most candles that feature grass or flowers are too strong for me and my allergies but this one is light and refreshing. I also found a pretty vase I was wanting for the bottom shelf of my plant stand since my Aloe Vera plant died and who can resist a seasonal pillow when it's only $5??  I'm thankful for touches of Spring around my home to brighten up these grey, rainy days.

  • GIFT:  My friend Anita (the one whom we celebrated Tuesday evening) brought me a gift.  It's a 40 day lent devotional. Although I grew up in a church denomination that didn't practice Lent...just Easter...Dave and I now go to a multi-denominational church where some people used to be Catholic and practiced Lent traditions. We do not, but I do enjoy reading various devotionals during the Lenten season (the time before Easter).  My favorite holiday is Easter because it is hte day we celebrate the Risen Savior who is one day coming back! I'm thankful for good Christian books to learn more about God and deepen my faith journey. 
That wraps up my fave blessings from the past week. 
I'm also thankful we had a couple of days with sunshine and warmer temps!

I hope you have a restful weekend!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. I'm glad that you had a good week with much to be grateful for. I hope your weekend goes well. I love that fun spring pillow and the other touches of springtime in your home. See you again soon!

Wendy said...

I love your touches of spring. And the pie looks good. Glad you didn't need an additional jab. Have a good weekend.

Susan said...

Hi Faith, I like your spring additions. My grandson will take down my boxes today so I can decorate. I have a seasonal tree and I just took down the winter country snowmen and pinecones. I have Easter/Spring Hallmark, decorative eggs and crosses to put on next. I don't go on FB as often as I used to and less now that I am doing my Lent study. Have a great weekend!

Willow said...

Those spring decorations were a great find for you.
I saw you were off facebook. Is it permanent or during Lent?
Thanks for the recommendation of the Lent devotional. I didn't know that AW Tozer had written one.
Weather is supposed to warm up this next week. I hope you can get out for lots of walks and hikes.

Barbara Harper said...

That's great you're immune for measles! I hadn't thought to check, but I had to have a shot after my first pregnancy--they discovered in my lab work that I wasn't while pregnant, so I had to wait til after delivery to get it. I'm thankful it was pretty unheard of then, so I didn't have to be as concerned about being exposed while pregnant.

Celebration and conversation are wonderful! And I love the spring touches, especially the vase.

I'll have to look up that book. Like you, I don't observe Lent per se, but I do like to read a related devotional leading up to Easter.