I loved Gone with the Wind when I read the novel in high school and then again as a young adult. My parents bought me a copy of the book which I still own. My husband and I also bought the DVD when it first came out and our daughters loved it! It's been awhile since we've watched it but it's a classic in my opinion.
I'm participating in the Tuesday 4 meme because I love the novel!
1. Have you read the book or seen the movie Gone with the Wind and what did you think of it?
Yes to both! Loved loved loved the novel. The movie left a LOT out. It would probably be an 8 hour movie if they included everything. I didn't like that they didn't include all of Scarlet's children in the movie but...overall, it is good. The novel is far better. I also read Ruth's Journey (the story of Mammy). HIGHLY recommend. My review is here.
2; Which character was your favorite? If you didn't read it or see it. who is your favorite ficitional character from a book or movie and why?
I loved Rhett in the movie but preferred Melanie in the novel. And of course how can you not like...and feel sorry for....Scarlet? and honestly Mammy aka Ruth is spectacular!
But my all time favorite character from a novel is Jean Valjean in Les Miserables. A picture of what mercy and forgiveness does in a person.
3. Are you a fan of big epic films like Dr. Zhivago, Gone with the Wind, etc." If not what kind of films do you enjoy the most?
We are totally into classics here in my house and thankfully we've passed that hobby down to our daughters. They both collect classic movies and musical movies. We love and own Dr Zhivago (I've since given it to my youngest daughter who majored in Russian as one of her majors). We loved Ben Hur, another epic film. Other ones we've enjoyed over the years: Ghandi, Atonement, The Color Purple, Roots, Lawrence of Arabia, Dances with Wolves, les Miserables, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Schindler's List. But we also enjoy the musical and classic movies: West Side Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Roman Holiday, Casablanca, Oklahoma, Sound of Music, Applause, Chicago, Cats....you get the idea!
4. The Ante Bellum era is indeed gone with the wind. Is there an era in history that you are interested in or that you have a good deal of knowledge about? Perhaps there is an era you would like to learn more about?
First of all, it's Antebellum. (All one word, folks!!) My fave time period in history to read about is the Civil War, post-Civil War and the 1940s. I'd like to learn a bit more about the early 16th century here in North America.
Thanks for joining in! Have you read the book Gone with the Wind? Have you seen the movie??
Happy Tuesday!
Oh, you did mention a lot of great movies...I'd like also add "Fiddler on the Roof". It is a true classic. And yes, I loved West Side Story, and have often enjoyed singing some of those songs...(Maria, I Feel Pretty, Tonight...) I loved the old musicals, but now I find it hard to sit through all the songs. I must be getting old, because I loved them back then! LOL Oklahoma, South Pacific, oh yes! Thanks for reminding me! I need to go read the book Gone with the Wind now. I've never attempted to read it and relied on the movie. Now I'm curious about the rest of the story!! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing Ruth's Journey, I've not heard of it before. I know I would love to read about Mammy's life. Happy Tuesday 4!
Hello! Well, my one and only son is named Rhett, so you know how I feel about that book and movie!!! I have a sister named Scarlett, so I couldn't use that! Have a cozy evening!
Thanks for the information on Ruth. I will have to check it out. I have either read or scene the list you mentioned except for Applause. I will have to check out the lineup on TCM.
Great movie list very nice info on Ruth! I love the civil war and victorian era
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