23 March 2025

Clap Your Hands


I'm reading in Isaiah 55 this morning.

 As the sun rose up in the east and I was sitting eating a bagel and drinking hot, steaming coffee, I was able to see the sun literally rise. I was up early today and was thrilled to see that bright orb rise up behind the maple trees.  In fact, it looked like the trees, with the gentle wind that was blowing the branches, were clapping their hands in praise. It reminded me of this Scripture pictured above which is why I turned to Isaiah 55 for my morning reading.

I absolutely love the book of Isaiah. He's my favorite major prophet and I did a study on that book several years ago.  What I love most about it, are the prophecies foretelling the arrival of our Savior Redeemer, Jesus. All of those hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the people were being told they would have a Redeemer....the King of Kings and the Messiah. The Way.....to an abundant life. 

The chapter I'm in this morning speaks about that abundant life. In fact, the title above the 55 says "An Invitation to Abundant Life" (Soul Care Bible, c. 1982, New King James Version). 

God tells us to "incline our ears" to Him...and to come to Him. 

I sometimes listen carefully to the birds outside the windows on the east where the bird feeders are so I can identify them by their song......do I listen to God in that same, intent way?  I try to!  He sings over us! 

And He also speaks to us! 

This Scripture, found in the New Testament, highlights that God spoke to people...our ancestors...through out history.....the Old Testament and beyond.....He did so in various ways (ex appearing to Moses in the burning bush where Moses heard His voice!) ...and now....

He speaks to us through Jesus....in that still small Voice and with the prompting of the Holy Spirit we can "hear" Him. I for one have never heard His audible Voice...but I know when I have felt His presence and when the Spirit has whispered something in my soul/mind/heart. 

Take a few moments and sit with the Son.....maybe in the sun......

The Scripture from Isaiah shows us that there will be a time for celebration and rejoicing when we are led by God.....that even nature will participate in the joy.....the trees of course symbolize the joy we have as Christ followers....and the flourishing of our lives....that abundant life.......

look around and rejoice that He is our Redeemer.....Praise Him......clapping your hands at the life you see springing up....

and at the Eternal Life you have been given by the One worth celebrating. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Faith. Nice post with some good thoughts. Have a blessed Sabbath. See you again soon!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Beautifully written and shared from one of my favorite books as well. I love Isaiah! And all of the verses you shared are also very special to me. Sounds like you had a lovely Sunday morning with the Lord. Thank you for sharing it with us.